

Spring 2020

Vegging in a 5x5 Gorilla Grow Tent

Jungle Boys Gelato #33 (Gelato#33xZkittlesCake) & Jungle Boys L.A Kush Cake #9 (L.AKushCake#9xZkittlesCake)

Day 75 (Week 11)

4 updates

6 photos

Day: 75

Flower day 1

5 years ago

Day: 72

2-3 plants small and going alil droopy

5 years ago

Dawe Hi there! Hooe you are well? Your girls look great! Can you tell me how to do living soil? It looks like something I would like to try for my second grow

Day: 63

Sensor Push, 15 min in after I moved the 2nd Portable AC to the Veg Room. Hopefully temp stays legit through out tomorrow but other than that looking forward to getting another Sensor Push for Veg. Also adding a nice t5 in there for moms And a rack for clones. If this is ambient with a night time -5 swing in temp i would feel ok. Lol Let’s see how it goes! If all goes well all moms and minis will be transferred and plants in flower will be prepped for Bloom.

5 years ago

Day: 62


Just brought in Jelly Kush (F) by In-house Genetics . Also, Down to 4 LA Kush Cakes & 5 Gelato 33s. The rest were too weak to move forward after heat stress. Have another portable a/c in flower room need one more for veg. Cover crop is growing crazy, don’t know if I should cut and put back in soil or just trim back and throw away, or leave as is. It does keep my soil wet longer tho so I don’t mind leaving as is. Still waiting to sex all of them. They have been deleafed and just started feeding calcium today as well. Any questions or knowledge you can pass on please let me know . Thanks

5 years ago

Luckylevi1017 Trying to start a Jelly Kush directly into a 10gal. The other 9 are in Blue Cups