
First Run!!

First Grow

Growing in Arizona gonna see how this goes learning to see if It can stay alive in az weather!!

Dont know if its a savtiva or indica maybe you can help!!

Day 124 (Week 18)

22 updates

45 photos

Day: 124


I need help idk if it’s done or not please lend a hand!!

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz Definitely a sativa or sativa dominant hybrid. Can’t really see if she’s done, can you take another picture like a side view of the buds?

ClandestineWestOz I love the colours this plant is displaying, looks awesome!

ClandestineWestOz Put your phone camera up to the plant and zoom in as much as you can on the trichomes, if all milky and a few (10-15%) Amber then I’d chop it down.

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Day: 115

Purple starting coming out a lot more!!

6 years ago

Day: 107


No nutrients or anything just have been feeding straight water but is doing beautiful 😃

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz Very Sativa looking leaves, that’s my guess. Should be a good daytime smoke.

Day: 98


Really happy about this baby right now 😍

6 years ago

Day: 90



6 years ago

Azuri Looks like sativa could be a hybrid. Leaves fingers look slender indica tend to be thicker leaf fingers. Bushiness leads me to believe it’s a hybrid sativa dominate.

Josh20stifler I appreciate the help thanks brotha!!

Day: 80


Second week of flowering looking really good!!

6 years ago

Day: 72

Plants first week of flowering looking good so far water mostly everyday in this weather. But no complaints so far very happy!

6 years ago

Day: 67

My plant is finally going into flowering hell yea!!!

6 years ago

Day: 51

Looking good it’s crazy how fast your plants can change if your not careful with your nutrients. But so far extremely happy with my grow so far 😃

6 years ago

Day: 40

Plant looking awesome right now Finally started feeding my plants. I’m using Botanicare pure blend pro & Botanicare Cal-Mag. Looking forward seeing what these nutrients will do to my plant!!

7 years ago

Day: 36

Topped my plant a few days ago plant did really good with topping. Still just straight water need to get some big bloom so plant can have a lot more nutrients. Really happy about grow so far!

7 years ago

Day: 29

Currently moving my plant inside for extra light so I can stretch the growing process. Kind of got worried about being a first time grower so I invested in a Led. So really excited too see what I can do!!

7 years ago

Bagseedwarrior What led did you get m8? Also, nice recovery from the dehydration! Looking great.

Day: 20


Still growing most likely at the end of this week I’ll start feeding some big bloom to start pushing all the nutrients in my baby.08/13/18

7 years ago

Day: 17

Plants doing wonderful right now, I also keep moving plant in at night. Water every other day & sometimes once a day in this heat. Will keep watching!! 08/10/18

7 years ago

Day: 16

Trans planted into fabric pod & I also switched to fox farm soil. They recommend that my buds will get a lot more nutrients & plant will be get healthier as well. 8/9/18

7 years ago

Day: 14

Not to bad right now I keep moving my plant inside at night so they can sleep in cool temps. Throughout the day I keep it outside in the sun so they can soak up all the nutrients of the natural sun. While in the growing process I can watch and see if it will grow stronger & healthier by me moving my plant inside at night for better resting. I’ve always been a green hand but marijuana is something you have research in order to get good results. Got any tips let me know thanks!

7 years ago

Day: 12

Growing as well Ass I can right now in this heat idk if anybody has any tips in hot weather. But so far just covered my plants with fabric to block some of the sun we will of this adjustment works. Kind of day 13 but posted late!

7 years ago

Day: 11

Just an update theirs a monsoon right now so I did move plant inside. But earlier today It was super hot & my plant got dehydrated. Not enough water so I’m gonna have to watch closely, can’t afford for it to not have enough water!!

7 years ago

Day: 7


Plant second layer has finally grown it’s cool to see the process of everything. Just an update on my plant ☘️

7 years ago

Day: 6

Second set of leaves are starting to show. From what I have heard from an Arizona hydroponic store it has only got about 3-4 weeks to grow before its goes into budding. Because Arizona will start 12-12 hours. so we will see how many buds we get for my first and late grow I was so excited to start!!

7 years ago

Day: 4

Burnt a little on the tips of the leaves went to a shop to ask some question. Also gonna try letting my soil dry a little before I water so roots can chase the water instead of spoiling root.

7 years ago

Day: 2

Let’s begin excited to see what’s on the other side of this seed.. Don’t even know if a savtiva or Indica yet!

7 years ago