New to growing need help day 22
Veg stage day 22
New to growing need tips it’s on day 22. If I can call someone or someone give me tips my roommate moved out and isn’t helping me with this but I don’t want my babies to die. I can send a picture of everything I have. I have humidifier fans light tent ph tester and Nutrients
Cookie crashed hybrid
Day 46 (Week 7)
5 updates
5 photos
Day: 46
Listened to y’all they are looking good. From what y’all see should we do or Change anything
2 years ago
Day: 21
Need tips what to do next what should humidy be at. Temperature. What’s the next step. Should I get netting
2 years ago
Discpimp I would recommend reading up on great info there. There are a lot of knowledgeable growers on here to that can help should you have any specific questions. Also would be helpful to know are these photoperiod or auto flowers? Overall they look good. Try to let them dry out between waterings and you should be good. Don’t overthink it. A great phrase to grow by is keep it simple stupid. Good luck 👍
bigsmokesage Thanks my main questions are I’m not sure how to and what nutrients to use in mix and what pH should be and also if it’s day 21 how long should it keep going for
Discpimp Water ph 6-6.5 or there abouts. Is this organic or synthetic? If they are auto flowers no need to change anything. If they are photo periods you could change the light cycle just about anytime now just depends on how large you want to try to get them. Don’t get to worried about it seeds are fairly cheap. We have all failed but don’t let it get you down. Try to learn at least one thing from every grow and overtime you will get better.
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Day: 21
Need help asap tips. My roommate and I got the n argument and he left I spent all the money on it but he was the brains for this project. I’m stuck not knowing what to do from here. And what the next steps should be. I have a lot of nutrients I have ph down and up oh tester humidifier all that. If anyone can give me tips what should the temp be how long is veg stage and what do I do after it’s done. How often should I feed them and what should ph be.
2 years ago
treborlexx A couple questions: What kind of strain are you growing, what kind of grow medium are in those pots? How strong are your grill lights and what kind of nutrients are you using now? Answer me those questions and I’ll help you all I can.
bigsmokesage If it’s easier to contact me my number is 971-998-9424 I’m using happy frog. Pink LED lights have been working good so far 120 Vac 60hz. I have all the nutrients but I never used them my roommate did everything and he left me and the plants and I don’t want them to die. I can send you a picture of all the nutrients I have cause there is a lot. I know he said he mixed like 4 of them together but I’m not sure. Thanks for listing man your a real one
bigsmokesage Let me know plz
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Day: 21
These are my nutrients that I have. Have no idea how to use or what they are for the only thing I am kinda familiar with is the pH up and down and tester. But that’s it and I’m not sure how much to use 
2 years ago
Mr Miyagi Bonsai Master I’d Google it and put some notes down, and feed Half the lowest dosage that it says :)
bigsmokesage Okay do you know which ones I should use right now for feeding
SinSemillaWhisperer420 Use the cal mag, vitamin, and hydroguard now for veg. Use half strength of the recommended dosage. Read up on the other stuff. Most of that is for flowering stages
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