Mango Hydro DWC
30 year wait for this
Secret Jardin L160, four Closet Case100 Led, supplemented with DutchPro Nutrients. Carbon filter, 6” exhaust, prefilter, two 6” AC Infinity Cloudline inline fans. 3x3 flood table with 20 Gallon reservoir. Flooding 6 min every 52 when lights are on. 18/6 v. 12/12 f.
Mango Kush Femanized
Day 184 (Week 27)
47 updates
120 photos
Day: 184

Week 5-6 of flower
6 years ago
PopeWeazl DutchPro Nutrients Spectrum King Lighting Yooper rookie 1st grow.
Day: 173

So much has changed but flower is a couple of weeks under way. DwC is now ebb n flow. Stay tuned for pics of my first ever cannabis flowers coming soon. #DutchPro nutrients put it all on track for me.
6 years ago
Johnibudz Looking dam good! 👍
Day: 41

I would like to thank the creators of the Bud app but I have moved my journals over to growdiaries.com if you are following here, you can find me under the username PopeWeazl over there. Don’t forget to listen to my podcast “ The Pope Weazl Podcast to lern from my rookie mistakes. Happy growing.
6 years ago
Day: 39

Finally on the to normal growth. I followed the wrong nutrient regime and had stunted their growth. Mainlining protocol continues.
6 years ago
Day: 36

Recovery time from CaMg deficiency
6 years ago
Day: 33

Unfortunately, I have an amputee. She is a strong girl. We are moving on.
6 years ago
Day: 32

I started a podcast to cover all the mistakes I make. If your new to hydro, learn from my mistakes and give it a listen. https://anchor.fm/ThePopeWeazlPodcast/episodes/0002-My-Fumble-With-Advanced-Nutrients-e2u658
6 years ago
PopeWeazl Thanks to anyone who listened. I’m now available on Instagram and will be doing a few more episodes shortly.
Day: 31

Get the environment right (VPD) and your girls will thank you. Better your grow by learning from my mistakes. Listen @ https://anchor.fm/ThePopeWeazlPodcast/episodes/0001-Hydroponics-for-me--Hydroponics-for-thee-e2u1pk
6 years ago
Day: 30

6 years ago
Day: 30

Environment is crucial. Today I tidied up my intake and mounted it. Also put a back flow damper on it to preserve that precious humidity.
6 years ago
Day: 29

Found this today https://vpdcalculator.com/vpd-calculator It has helped me take the guess out of what temperature I need to run at. My Spectrum King says to run at 85F. I can’t run that much humidity but I was trying. Humidity and temp was see-sawing. Couldn’t get a handle on it and my plants were shutting down because the VPD was wack. ran this VPD Calculator and came up with a much more manageable number set. Plants love it when I can hit it. Still trying to get a handle on my system. Target range until flower is 75F @ 70%RH
6 years ago
Day: 27

Watch these girls take off now. I didn’t have them in the correct VPD and I was overwatering them. I’m new to this so I was treating it like it was drip irrigation. I needed to realize that it’s DWC. I went from 30 minutes ON/ 90 minutes OFF to 6 minutes ON/ 8 hours OFF. I was able to see a visible difference within the first hour of the light cycle today. I also had the drip tubes right next to the stem. I have now moved it next to the edge of the net pot instead of dripping over the main rootball.
6 years ago
Day: 26

Im trying to figure out my lighting. Trying one cc100 for now. Ok. Now two with the correct VPD. LOTS to learn yet.
6 years ago
Day: 25

Another day babysitting.
6 years ago
Day: 23

Screwing with my lights.
6 years ago
Day: 22

Lights @ 26”
6 years ago
Day: 21

Happy New Year.
6 years ago
Day: 21

The girls wanted to celebrate the 🎉 New Year 🎉. So I put their hair up for the evening.
6 years ago
Day: 20

Adjusting pH.
6 years ago
Day: 19

Recovery day. Hopefully I can relax.
6 years ago
Day: 18

A picture of the girls at the end of their 12 hours under the 2 Spectrum King CC100s. I will post another pic at the end of their 12 hours under the Vipar Spectra VT300. Plants are now on a 24 hour light cycle.
6 years ago
Day: 18

6 years ago
PopeWeazl MEDIC!! Turned the pump timer off for the feed system. It’s now running constant. May have pythium.
PopeWeazl Raised the lights, turned off the oscillating fan. Dumped 1/2 my nutrient solution. From 13 gallon down to 7 gallon. Then added 1 gallon of water at pH 5.4 ish. Before I dumped it pH was around 6.9.
Day: 17

Every day is a learning experience, just not sure what today’s will be.
6 years ago
PopeWeazl If new to Hydroponics, this is a must for figuring out your nutrients. https://www.rollitup.org/t/high-ppm-with-advanced-nutrients-1-3-strength-900-ppm-anyone-had-this-problem.379396/
Day: 16

Every day is a new hurdle.
6 years ago
PopeWeazl My night time temps are running low while my night time humidity is running high. My day time temps are running high while the humidity is running low. I’m going to change my lighting cycle to 24 hours on. I have three lights I’m using. I’ll run the two cc100’s for 12 hours and 2 minutes during the night and the vt300 during the day for 12 hours. Then when I change to 12/12, I will set the light to turn on during the coolest hours. Currently I am running 19/5 with the lights coming on at 0400 and turning of at 2100. If my girls don’t like the 24 hour light cycle I will switch them back to 19/5 but coordinate it so it happens during the coolest time period. This little experiment will also show me how the plants react to a 12 hour VT300 cycle versus a 12 hour dual CC100 cycle. As of now, I believe that all three lights are too much for these young girls to handle.
PopeWeazl The girls didn’t like 47 on / 47 off for the nutrient delivery pump. They were still “puffy” looking with the leafs curling Down. The edges were starting to lose their green also. This morning I set the cycle to 30 on / 90 off.
Joshin_yah Sounds like it’s time for a humidifier normally the higher humidity lower heat
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Day: 15

Looks like my changes have put me back on course.
6 years ago
Day: 15

Do to the limit of 31 settings per hour, I have now changed my pump timer to 47 minutes on 47 minutes off.
6 years ago
Day: 14

I’ve been fighting some issues the last few days. Note to self, only change one part of your environment every 2-3 days. A few days back I transplanted to the ecogrower from dwc. During this I pinched off a good portion of the root on one of my plants. I also moved the VT300 into the main tent and changed to a different nutrient base. I added a bigger humidifier and set my lights to the recommended height. Then my plants started to look like garbage. So I played with the pH, raised and lowered my lights, adjusted my temperature all in the hope that something would change how my plants look. During this I found that my pH pen was already out of calibration ( roughly two weeks since it was calibrated last) and that no matter what I did, the plants weren’t responding for the better. I am now playing with the humidity. I was trying to run 60-65 rh but my humidifier would go bonkers and keep going up to 75rh. Currently I am going to try 55 rh with this Indica. At 40 rh growth wasn’t happening, which is why I started to add the humidity in the first place.
6 years ago
PopeWeazl I also set the spider hub pump to run 1/2 hour on, 1 hour off.
Day: 13

Moved the VT300 into the main tent. Now I just need to polish up on my operator errors and this grow should take off. Switched from General Hydroponics Flora to Advanced Nutrients pH perfect nutrients. I enjoy not having to check the pH as often as I was with the GH product. Started looking at a new tent. My poles are about maxed with weight in this Secret Jarden L160.
6 years ago
Joshin_yah Good choice on nutrients! That’s all I use, yes it’s a bit pricey but I don’t have to test my PH , even though I’m using RO water, still keep your eye out some of there organic stuff isn’t PH perfect.. such at the Mother Earth tea and there oim organic line isn’t either
PopeWeazl Glad to hear that this was a step in the right direction. Are you using voodoo, b52, big bud, & overdrive too? I’m still in the habit of checking pH 3xs a day so I’ll be careful with their other products too.
Joshin_yah I’m using sensi grow and bloom coco a&b Voodoo juice and tarantula no need for piranha, there’s honestly no need for it the other two have the same ingredients, basically B-52 Sensizym Rhino skin Bud candy, is the same thing as carboload, so don’t waste your money buying both, Big bud And Mother Earth but I have to ph that when I’m ready to feed, and with you doing DWC I would advise using teas
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Day: 12

Still trying to get 4th and 5th seed to germinate. The three sisters moved into a bigger residence. Humidity is stills to low. Picking up a bigger cool mist and returning the warm mist version. Warm mist would shit off when reaching 60 % & was heating my tent up too much.
6 years ago
Day: 11

Added a humidifier and it seems to be helping the girls out. They are drinking less of the nutrients solution since they are sucking humidity in from the air now. Doesn’t look like seed 4 or 5 is going to germinate but I put them both in rockwool. Seed 4 has been in water for almost a week. Seed 5 a few days. They both split but never sprouted.
6 years ago
Day: 11

Prepping the EcoGrower for the lil ladies.
6 years ago
Day: 10

Added more humidity yesterday. Girls look healthier this morning. Root system is starting to form.
6 years ago
Day: 9

Not much has changed.
6 years ago
Day: 8

My nutrient mix was running hot due to the source of my water supply. Remixed a fresh batch today. 4th seed hasn’t germinated, so I pulled out the fifth and final MGK seed and put it in a glass of water for germination.
6 years ago
Day: 7

Fresh batch of nutrients today. Added 1ml/Gallon of GH RapidStart to the Flora Series recirculating program. Tested nutrient solution 1 hour after mixing. pH 5.53, 64.4 Fahrenheit, EC 0804, PPM 402. 4th seed won’t pop, raised it closer to the surface in the rock wool. 🤞🏻. Light is set @ 30” & 100/60.
6 years ago
Day: 6

Three on their way. 4th still stubborn. pH was at 7. Adjusted down to 5.97 with EC of 0630 & PPM @ 0315. Hopefully the adjustment helps # 4 pop.
6 years ago
Day: 5

Two sprouts have been moved to clay pebbles. Third may pop today. 4th is being a S.O.B.
6 years ago
Day: 4

Since it is my first grow, I am experimenting a bit. Decided to see if my freshly sprouted seed would take in the clay pebble media. I had removed the plastic cups(humidor) yesterday thinking that they might be getting excessive moisture. I believed that this dried the seeds out and the shells were stuck on like helmets. I carefully removed the shells from three seeds with toothpicks. Only because I read that if they stay stuck they might die. Many people let nature run its course and if they don’t fall off then they let the plant die. I wanted to try my best to make sure all 4 of these seeds survive. I believe I may have not planted them deep enough in the rockwool for the seed to soften up enough before it surfaced. I left one shell on just for a control.
6 years ago
Day: 4

Supllementary lighting arrived today. ViparSpectra VT300. Will use this for clones, seedlings, and the Mothers when I reach that point.
6 years ago
ClandestineWestOz Shit mate that new Vipar looks waaaaaay better than my 2 Vipar models.... damn I best upgrade my setup
Joshin_yah I bought that same light at the beginning of the year, I love it! I felt it wasn’t enough once I got to flower, don’t get me wrong it will do its job all the way through flower, so I now use it in my veg tent, I bought a Optic 2 COB led, should look into them, but still good choice on light!
Joshin_yah Best part is the dimmable options.. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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Day: 4

Houston, we have lift off.
6 years ago
Day: 3

We have growth!
6 years ago
PopeWeazl One seed is really taking off. I was assuming this meant dominance. After checking my air stone location it was located directly under this seed. I moved the stone to the center of the 4 sites. Hopefully this will get the other three active.
Joshin_yah Nice bro keep it up
Day: 2

Buy it, Learn it, Calibrate it, Live by it, Love it.
6 years ago
MrGreen99 I am new to this please explain. How does it work and what does it do because I can use all the help in the world lol. Your setup looks amazing by the way 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
Day: 2

Move the 4 seeds in rockwool over to a DWC system. Received my portable water softener today. It didn’t help with my hard water. Not sure if I should go with FloraMicro Hard or source bottled water. Ppm is around 430.
6 years ago
Day: 1

Dropped 4 seeds into PH 6.0 water for germination.
6 years ago
Day: 0

Setting up the tent.
6 years ago
Day: 0

6” ventilation. 6x24 BlackOps carbon filter, Can-filter intake filter, two AC Infinity Cloudline duct fan systems.
6 years ago