
Strawberry Pie - first grow ever

28sep 2020

Budgetgrow. Growin in 13L pots with canna terra mix soil In tent 80x80x180cm or 3x3x6 with a cheap chinese 600w led. Nutriens: Canna terra vage og Canna floras. Info: indica, THC 26%, Bloom 8-9weeks Seeds from nordland-seeds.dk First grow. Add comment. Thanks ;)

Strawberry Pie

Day 115 (Week 17)

28 updates

101 photos

Day: 115

Finish and done, for the first time! 100g yield, not much but fucking great doh.. 👍🏼😊

4 years ago


mystrain420 More than an ounce is a lot for a first grow 👍🏾👍🏾. Great job 👏🏾

daniel29 Thank you so much! I belive i can do it better next time. 100g on 4 plants it’s only 25g/plant. I hoped on dobble up. But next time it’s only about yield 💪🏼😊


mystrain420 Go for heavy yield strains also like blue dream, Cindy 99 etc

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Day: 103


9weeks flower - first time! 🙂

4 years ago


BradLee101090 Very nice!

daniel29 Thanks!

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Day: 98

Week 8-9 flower

4 years ago


dudeface Wow, looks awesome.

luie98 Nice looking into doing first grow happy growing homie

daniel29 Thanks alot guys! :)

Day: 89


8weeks flower

4 years ago

Day: 84

The end of week 7 and the first of 3 flush starts to day so the next 3 weeks there only food is water and then harvest!

4 years ago

daniel29 52 buds! Alright for the first time :)

Day: 81


7weeks flower

4 years ago

daniel29 Add comment:)

Day: 78

7 weeks of flower. The cheap chinese light have done it’s job alright i think. Not the best, but okay for the first time. Add comment please :)

4 years ago

Northern Grow

Northern Grow I’m only on my 2nd grow almost at harvest, soo not a pro but I’ll say it looks good 👌 Between my first and second grow I added a second light on the same seeds, they are twice the size as my first grow. Out of the three plants grown each time my smallest one this time is bigger than the biggest one of last grow.. Friendly hint. Good luck

daniel29 Thanks alot for comment. This time will be the last with this cheap light for me. Next time i think i will try those new quantum boards insted. I belive they are the next step for LED lights and i hope with that and maybe a northern or a kush strain next time, then i will be avible to make much bigger colas.

Day: 77


Week 6 flower, still feedin’ 50ml cannaflora once at week, they look okay but still a little small. I did foliation twice. Still some way to go.. add comment/advice/feedback/tips please :)

4 years ago

Day: 72

Week 5 add comment :)

4 years ago

daniel29 First time grow ever!


combatmedic81 Looks pretty good. Do you still have a lot of room from the light?

daniel29 Thank you. Yes there is a lot of space up to the light. The tent are 3x3x6 so no problem there but i’m not happy with colas size yet.

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Day: 69


5 weeks

4 years ago

Day: 68

Week 4 add comment :)

4 years ago

Day: 67

4weeks flower, add comment :)

4 years ago

mysterybird1989 Beautiful for four weeks! What seed co did these come from?

daniel29 Thank you very much! The seeds came from www. Nordland-seeds.dk I picked this one only for there very high THC%. I’m not intirely happy with the yield so far but the tricums looks nice

daniel29 Question: is too late to defuliation or just the worst big leaves, with just a mounth left? They should be done between 25dec - 5januar.

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Day: 66


4 weeks flower

4 years ago

daniel29 ADD a comment and tell me how this is goin’ :)

jblchris Looking good


bud Looking good but def some decent time left based on the color and bulk, the buds should fatten up nicely though

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Day: 65

4weeks flower

4 years ago

Day: 64

4 weeks of flower

4 years ago

daniel29 Okay for the first grow ever! 👌🏼🙂

Day: 63

It’s gettin’ good 😊👌🏼

4 years ago

Day: 60


Danish grow :p

4 years ago

Day: 59

3week flora

4 years ago

Day: 57

3weeks in flower

4 years ago

Day: 56



4 years ago

daniel29 600w led. Cannaterra flora.

Day: 55

3week in flower

4 years ago

daniel29 Danish grow when it’s best :D

Day: 53


Going well

4 years ago

Day: 51


4 years ago

Day: 50

Week 2 of flower 50cm. Defuliation

4 years ago

Day: 47

2 weeks in flower

4 years ago

Day: 45


2 Weeks in flower

4 years ago

Day: 42

En uge i blomst og skal vandes lidt oftere. Husk og vær OPS på lysets højde.

4 years ago

Day: 41


Planterne er en lille uge inde i blomster perioden. De har netop fået scrog net på samtidig med det øvrige lst. 44 buds er kommet over nettet. Og sidste omgang ren vage gødning overstået. Næste gang halv halv 2-3 gange for skift til flora. Har hævet lampen en smule.

4 years ago