Moist God

Moist God

First Grow

Summer 2021

This bout to be ⛽️

Citric Musk F2

Day 19 (Week 3)

7 updates

20 photos

Day: 19

Watered. Still small, but healthy. But why is this app twitter for stoners? lmao

4 years ago

Day: 16

I watered them this morning and Saturday. They’re starting to look a little better, but still real small

4 years ago


gotnibuds How much light are you giving them? And what is the distance of your light from the top of your plant! I keep my light 30” from seedlings, and give them 18-24hrs of light! Also do you have a fan on them? Helps build strength!


Zeyberlin Your name is funny as hell😂 Good luck the first grow is always the hardest 💪🏽


LutherSlurbank916 Give them roots some air my boy.. Perlite is the Best but Maybe mix some coco .. are you getting any runoff when you water ? And how often do you water

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Day: 10

Just watered

4 years ago

Day: 8

Watered yesterday💧Seeing some small growth

4 years ago

Day: 6

All have sprouted, but at different rates lol Good to know I don’t have any duds though

4 years ago

Day: 4

Got one plant sprouting, but the rest still nothing. Hoping they’ll show up within the next few days

4 years ago

Day: 0

Just planted

4 years ago


NopeQQ Good luck 🌱 🙏