Sparkle Face
Summer 2022
Planted seed directly into soil in a solo cup on 5-18. Have been watering and feeding regularly with other plants in the same stage.
Sparkle Face
Day 55 (Week 8)
10 updates
10 photos
Day: 55
Watered with cal-mag and recharge at 6.5pH.
2 years ago
stick e fingerz 🔥🔥🔥💚
Family Pharm Fluff Looks good happy and healthy
Day: 50
Watered with water only at 6.5pH
2 years ago
Day: 47
Watered with recharge and cal-mag at 6.5pH
2 years ago
Day: 42
Watered with Recharge two days ago. Watered today at 6.5pH with no additives.
2 years ago
Dom.P 🔥🔥🔥
Day: 39
Continuing LST. Watering 1L every other day lately with Cal-Mag and 6.5pH
2 years ago
Day: 27
This plant didn’t seem to be doing much this week, but I’ve noticed a little bit of a growth spurt the last couple days.
3 years ago
Day: 25
Soil dried out and the leaves are looking much better today. Lightly watered with cal-mag and recharge at 6.5pH
3 years ago
Day: 23
I didn’t water yesterday, and today the leaves seem to be dropping a bit. Added 32oz of water w/ cal-mag at 6.5pH.
3 years ago
Day: 22
Topped plant and Increased light intensity to 100% yesterday. It seems to be handling the change very well. Increased watering to 1qt with cal-mag added and pH at 6.5.
3 years ago
Day: 21
Plants are growing fast! Currently growing 3 different strains. This one is already giving off an AMAZING odor! Will be transplanting into 5 gallon bags soon!
3 years ago