Skywalker OG
Fall 2021
4 x 8 Gorilla tent Skywalker OG. 8 weeks in. Plumped up decent. Strong aromas coming on. Few more days to swell up. Terp Tea Bloom and Bloom boost top dressed. High Mill liquid feed with SF-100 enzymes, Thrive Super B, and Recharge for roots. Healthy the whole way through.
Day 88 (Week 13)
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Day: 88

Few more days. Had to zap the summer mites that started on her. Haven’t seen any in a couple weeks. I have to treat everything everyday, sometimes twice a day. Fucking nightmare.
3 years ago
Caliban I feel your pain. I got them by stupidly putting plants outdoors for a few days and next thing spider mites. What I did that worked was bring plants back outside and using a hose mister basically power washed the plants all over then used green cleaner. That was day 1. On day 3 I used a spinosoid spray that adds a deadly bacteria for the mites. On day 5 I did the neem oil all over. All lights out. That was mid flower too. All pretty much eradicated and harvested w no issues. Treating everything once the buds are cured. A drama for sure!!
Caliban And did a bud washing at harvest just in case!!
bumper101 Yeah. It’s damn near impossible to get rid of them. I hit them every day. Vacuum the damn things off. Sterilize the entire room with 99% alcohol every other day, and if I let them go more than a week, I’ll start seeing signs again. So I’ve incorporated into my daily routine. One more thing to do. SMH.
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