Joe Shmoe

Revive my first grow


The 2 plants were my actual first grow. they were dying because I started them in a wrong cheap organic soil from lowes

Peanut butter cups

Day 51 (Week 8)


5 updates

15 photos

Day: 51


Week 2 flower

2 years ago

Day: 24

There loving there new pots Topped and and started a little low stress training not feeding any nutes. Just distilled water and cal Mag Ph Between 6.0-6.3

3 years ago

Day: 16


Moved them in 3 gallon fabric pot with ocean forest

3 years ago

Day: 6

6 days since I transplanted these girls and they are coming back 🤙

3 years ago

Day: 1

Today I transplanted into a 70/30 coco and perlite mix This is how they look now let’s see in a week

3 years ago