

Blue Dream’ Matic

Fast buds strain from North Atlantic Seed Company

Seed sowed in rapid rooter plug

Blue Dream’ Matic autoflower

Day 107 (Week 16)

11 updates

18 photos

Day: 107

6/1/2021 Ph 5.3 Ppm 600 Fresh week 10 nutes Ph 5.9 Ppm 560

4 years ago


(Farmer)John Beautiful plants bud! But come check out my latest post and let me know what you think! I’m more or less looking for tips and stuff for how far along they are!

Day: 96

5/22/2021 Ph 4.9 Ppm 628 Fresh week 9 nutes Ph 5.4 adjusted to 5.8 Ppm 556

4 years ago

📀Golden Ratio 📀

📀Golden Ratio 📀 Looks awesome… a low rider 😎

Day: 78

5/4/21 Heavy defoliation Fresh week 7 nutes Ph 5.5 adjusted to 5.9 Ppm 343

4 years ago

Day: 46

Apr. 2, 2021 Ph 5.8 Ppm 517 Fresh week 4 nutes Ph 5.5 adjusted to 5.8 Ppm 488

4 years ago

Day: 39

Mar. 26, 2021 Ph 5.6 Ppm 370 Light defoliation and LST Sprayed off roots Fresh week 3 nutes Ph 5.9 Ppm 377

4 years ago

Day: 35

Mar. 21, 2021

4 years ago


SHG 👊🔥🙌

Day: 33

Mar. 19, 2021

4 years ago


SHG 🔥🙌

Day: 32

Mar. 18, 2021 Ph 6.1 Ppm 339 Sprayed roots with RO water Fresh week 2 nutes Ph 6.1 Ppm 329

4 years ago

Day: 23

Mar. 10, 2021 Ph 6.4 Ppm 248 Fresh week 1 nutes Ph 6.0 Ppm 296

4 years ago

Day: 6

Feb. 20, 2021 Fresh seedling and cutting nutes Ph 6.2 Ppm 228

4 years ago

Day: 0

Sowed seed into rapid rooter and covered with plastic wrap. Placed onto heat mat for germination period

4 years ago