

Outside Grow


2 of each

Gelato / Sunset Sherbet / Zkittles

Day 39 (Week 6)


4 updates

18 photos

Day: 39

Things are looking better. Also was the first topping I’ve done with the plants. Also set them outside of the green house for the day while I move the green house to a new location

2 years ago

Day: 35


Found out the miracle grow made the water PH 3.2 and one of the plants developed an iron deficiency. I switched to Mother Earth liquicraft grow 4-3-3

2 years ago

Day: 25


The green house def made a huge difference.

2 years ago

Day: 18

I’m playing catch up. But this was pretty much after germination and buying a green house. I took pictures every week after.

2 years ago