

Mystery Bud Attempt 1

Summer 2024

Saved seeds from a few different bags, so definite strain is unknown. May be pink ice cream cake or one of the gelato ones. Only two of the four seeds germinated; down to one plant (accidentally detached roots from second plant during repotting). Outdoor grow. Obviously photoperiod rather than autoflower?


Day 50 (Week 8)

21 updates

42 photos

Day: 50


Y’all, is this a freakin’ male plant? Or is it still too early to tell? Not sure if it’s just blooming some new foliage/flowering or what 😐 leaves are getting a little sparkly too.

6 months ago

LevinGrow Definitely a male one, you have to kill it so it doesn’t pollinate your female plants


lskaaos It’s my only plant so no worries about other ones. Daaaaamn lol that sucks. Excuse to start an autoflower now xD

Day: 50

Well, that closes the Mystery Bud book 🚹 I’ll be back soon with some feminized autos 👍🏻🌱

6 months ago


B0NGToker Bummer, In the past I’ve had grows where they all were male.

Day: 50

Well, that closes the Mystery Bud book 🚹 I’ll be back soon with some feminized autos 🌱👍🏻

6 months ago

Day: 50

6 months ago

Day: 47

Used hemp string to anchor some of the leaves down, help more light reach the inner sets🙂

6 months ago

Day: 46

She’s looking pretty healthy and happy 😊 trying to decide if she needs topping again, with the two new growths on top 🙃

6 months ago

D Grow

D Grow Looking good :) I would let her grow until the lower branches got bigger. Only after that I would top her again. If really needed. When cutting too much she will be stunted.


lskaaos Thanks 😊 seems like she’s taking so long to grow anyway haha. Not trying to make a huge plant yet so it’s okay 😜

Day: 43


Pretty 🙂 probably needs some water today.

6 months ago

Day: 40


Got some spots on her leaves. Wonder what is wrong 🤔

6 months ago

Day: 38


Nothing too new going on. Just waiting for lst clips to arrive.

6 months ago

Day: 36

Grooooowing 🌱 Btw the storm took out my little cup that had one possibly germinating in it… if a random sprout starts in the pot, that’s probably where it went 😂

6 months ago


. Should hit her with some lst now to get the lowers reaching up as your two new mains from the topping grow, it’ll make her bush out so you can work on an even canopy


lskaaos Thanks! I’ll look into that 🙂

Day: 34

Wonder if I should prune the new growths or let them be for a while? Advice welcome! Either way, she’s looking pretty 🤩 hopefully have another one sprouting soon, too (the little cup) 🌱😊

7 months ago


combatmedic81 Maybe just cut the lowest set of leaves off , but that’s all I would do at this point

Day: 32

Moved to a larger pot, hopefully she’ll grow a bit faster now 🙂🌱 added coffee grounds to the soil as well.

7 months ago


. Now’s a good time to top or fim her


BINAII Why’d you add coffee grounds to the soil?


lskaaos It helps enhance the soil by releasing nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus; repels pests; adds nutrients… it’s basically beneficial in several ways.

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Day: 30


Pruned some lower foliage, she seems to be doing better already 🙂🌱 will transfer to a bigger pot tonight, hopefully. Also, did I trim them correctly? Not sure if supposed to cut at the base of the leaf or at the node.🤔

7 months ago

Day: 29


Started watering her more, seems to be doing good with it! I’m always afraid to overwater, so may have not been giving her enough 😢

7 months ago

Day: 29

Wondering if I should prune the two lower leaf sets off or if that would do damage?

7 months ago


combatmedic81 You could prune them. That would send the energy upwards

Day: 26


Progress, slowly but surely growing sturdier and sprouting more leaves 🙂 plan to transfer to a larger pot when I get the soil soon.

7 months ago

tcombs210 My plants look the same

Day: 24

I hope it doesn’t grow plant wieners. Either way, excited to get feminized seeds soon.

7 months ago

Day: 23

Seems to be getting more leaves lol. First set of 5-leaf fans.

7 months ago

Day: 21

Solo plant, lost the smaller one when transferring it to a different pot ☹️

7 months ago


ajam_fam It’s best to use your final pot instead of transplanting. I had an issue with poor lighting and my seedlings stretching. I had to carefully replant them deeper into the soil, twice. They’re doing good.

Day: 20

Will re-pot separately soon.

7 months ago


. It may be a good idea to separate now so the roots don’t intertwine since they’re so close together


lskaaos Thanks, I’m going to do that tonight after the little one goes to bed ☺️


. No problem, happy growing 💚

Day: 18

Bananas for nutrients

7 months ago