Mystery Bud Attempt 1
Summer 2024
Saved seeds from a few different bags, so definite strain is unknown. May be pink ice cream cake or one of the gelato ones. Only two of the four seeds germinated; down to one plant (accidentally detached roots from second plant during repotting). Outdoor grow. Obviously photoperiod rather than autoflower?
Day 50 (Week 8)
21 updates
42 photos
Day: 50
Y’all, is this a freakin’ male plant? Or is it still too early to tell? Not sure if it’s just blooming some new foliage/flowering or what 😐 leaves are getting a little sparkly too.
3 months ago
Day: 50
Well, that closes the Mystery Bud book 🚹 I’ll be back soon with some feminized autos 👍🏻🌱
3 months ago
B0NGToker Bummer, In the past I’ve had grows where they all were male.
Day: 50
Well, that closes the Mystery Bud book 🚹 I’ll be back soon with some feminized autos 🌱👍🏻
3 months ago
Day: 50
3 months ago
Day: 47
Used hemp string to anchor some of the leaves down, help more light reach the inner sets🙂
3 months ago
Day: 46
She’s looking pretty healthy and happy 😊 trying to decide if she needs topping again, with the two new growths on top 🙃
3 months ago
D Grow Looking good :) I would let her grow until the lower branches got bigger. Only after that I would top her again. If really needed. When cutting too much she will be stunted.
lskaaos Thanks 😊 seems like she’s taking so long to grow anyway haha. Not trying to make a huge plant yet so it’s okay 😜
Day: 43
Pretty 🙂 probably needs some water today.
4 months ago
Day: 40
Got some spots on her leaves. Wonder what is wrong 🤔
4 months ago
Day: 38
Nothing too new going on. Just waiting for lst clips to arrive.
4 months ago
Day: 36
Grooooowing 🌱 Btw the storm took out my little cup that had one possibly germinating in it… if a random sprout starts in the pot, that’s probably where it went 😂
4 months ago
Day: 34
Wonder if I should prune the new growths or let them be for a while? Advice welcome! Either way, she’s looking pretty 🤩 hopefully have another one sprouting soon, too (the little cup) 🌱😊
4 months ago
combatmedic81 Maybe just cut the lowest set of leaves off , but that’s all I would do at this point
Day: 32
Moved to a larger pot, hopefully she’ll grow a bit faster now 🙂🌱 added coffee grounds to the soil as well.
4 months ago
Day: 30
Pruned some lower foliage, she seems to be doing better already 🙂🌱 will transfer to a bigger pot tonight, hopefully. Also, did I trim them correctly? Not sure if supposed to cut at the base of the leaf or at the node.🤔
4 months ago
Day: 29
Started watering her more, seems to be doing good with it! I’m always afraid to overwater, so may have not been giving her enough 😢
4 months ago
Day: 29
Wondering if I should prune the two lower leaf sets off or if that would do damage?
4 months ago
combatmedic81 You could prune them. That would send the energy upwards
Day: 26
Progress, slowly but surely growing sturdier and sprouting more leaves 🙂 plan to transfer to a larger pot when I get the soil soon.
4 months ago
tcombs210 My plants look the same
Day: 24
I hope it doesn’t grow plant wieners. Either way, excited to get feminized seeds soon.
4 months ago
Day: 23
Seems to be getting more leaves lol. First set of 5-leaf fans.
4 months ago
Day: 21
Solo plant, lost the smaller one when transferring it to a different pot ☹️
4 months ago
ajam_fam It’s best to use your final pot instead of transplanting. I had an issue with poor lighting and my seedlings stretching. I had to carefully replant them deeper into the soil, twice. They’re doing good.
Day: 20
Will re-pot separately soon.
4 months ago
Day: 18
Bananas for nutrients
4 months ago