Two MimosaXMidnight, Cough Kabul, Two Mystery Machine(came from mystery seed), Two Diesel Berry(also once a mystery seed) Kingled plus 1000 and 1200 3x3 tent Been cloning mXM and Cough for a year now, the others for about 6 months all strong growth and easy to clone.
Day 38 (Week 6)
7 updates
8 photos
Day: 31
Gonna have to tie up a few of these before they tip over. Buds are starting to swell up nicely!
3 years ago
stick e fingerz Very nice 👍
Day: 25
Looking good so far, fed fox farms
3 years ago
Day: 19
Buds are showing everywhere, defoliation later this week as I have time.
3 years ago
Day: 19
Had spare time so defoliated.
3 years ago
Day: 7
Looking good and full headed into stretch
3 years ago