

Sour girl 2


Sour girl 2

Sour girl 2

Day 78 (Week 12)

31 updates

52 photos

Day: 78


50.13 grams dried. I don’t trim the sugar leaves because I just press most of it for rosin

3 years ago

Buddychill How do you press it?


Bonsorelli With my nugsmasher mini, parchment paper and a 120 micron bag I like to press it at 207*C for around 21/2 minutes at about 2 tonnes of pressure


Bonsorelli A good press is around 20%. So if you put it 7g you’ll get out .6 of rosin on a good day.

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Day: 69

This beauty will probably get flushed tomorrow and let sit in darkness for a few days. Can’t wait to see the yields.

4 years ago


Bonsorelli Thank you. I’m so excited to harvest this here in the next few days.


EtherealBudGoddess It’s gonna be dank

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Day: 66

Buds are getting huge. They’re sticky icky very close to being done. May give one more big feed with some bud boosters and consider chopping this down within the next week or so

4 years ago

ChiT Was this Organic? What All Nutes you Use?


Bonsorelli I use pro mix hp soil Ludicrous nutrient line up they have a growth, roots, bloom and boost. and I follow their feeding schedule. Also always check ppm and ph going in and check it coming out.


Bonsorelli Also this plant was top cropped. What I do is once the plant is around 4-5 weeks old I squeeze the top branch until it’s soft and I fold it and tie it down below the second row. When I do this the other lower branches think they’re the main cola and all try to out grow each other to become the main cola. Alittle bit of adjusting every once in a while to keep the canopy even really helps

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Day: 66

Fed 1200 and 1680 came out. Extremely high ppm so if there is a next time I’ll water them but I think this will be their last week before I flush anyways

4 years ago


plantman Nice trichomes!


Bonsorelli Thanks 🙏🏻 can’t wait to smoke and press this

Day: 62

Fed 800 ppm of bloom and 1200 came out so everything’s fine for now. Might need a water next time

4 years ago

Day: 60

I cropped/bent the top branch sideways early on and this plant is going to have a nice yield.

4 years ago


theelusive_moose Are you plants autos ?


Bonsorelli Yes auto


Bonsorelli I’ve let them grow like a Christmas tree before and the yields weren’t the greatest. Once I started to bend the top cola to the outer branch levels, all of the buds would grow at the same rate because they’re all at the same level. I only have a 2x2 tent but I can grow 4 at a time this way and harvest every 3 months at most. I usually have 4 that are about 2 weeks old ready to go in once these four are out

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Day: 59

Ppm was at 1000 last watering. May need some nutrients next watering

4 years ago

Day: 55

Looking great stacking nicely

4 years ago

Plumber Dragon

Plumber Dragon How tall is that? Got something to scale too? 58 days is looking amazing.


Bonsorelli Once I am able to, I will go and measure it. This plant would of been a lot taller but I crop the top branch down level with the outer branches.

Day: 46

Business as usual

4 years ago

Day: 44

Looking good still

4 years ago


justincase How do you do these lovely buds mate? What’s you secret? Just the LST?

Day: 43

This plant is doing so good very happy with the training. Fed 750 ppm of nutes

4 years ago

Day: 41

Fed her and tried to balance the soil ph. Still looking good can’t wait for buds to get fat

4 years ago

Day: 37

I am very excited to see this one grow. The branches are perfect

4 years ago

Day: 35

Last trim. There’s a lot of bud sites on this one

4 years ago

Day: 33

Took very nicely to the training. Now in early bloom, can’t wait to see some nice buds form

4 years ago

Day: 30

Cropped every branch down to the second row of buds.

4 years ago

Day: 29

Fed 1L of roots and growth. This plant has grown a lot compared to the other one.

4 years ago

Day: 25

Looking very good!

4 years ago

Day: 21

Light watering. Huge growth in the he last few days.

4 years ago

Day: 19

Light Watering as needed

4 years ago

Day: 19

Fed her some growth and roots

4 years ago

Day: 15

Looking happy fed her growth and roots

4 years ago

Day: 14

Light watering

4 years ago

Day: 13

Daily watering/light feeding

4 years ago

Day: 10

Went into the tent today , also got it’s first dose of root/growth nutes half strength

4 years ago

Day: 9

Light misting everyday almost ready for the tent

4 years ago

Day: 6

Light misting everyday. 3rd set of leaves are in , might start muted next week.

4 years ago


Bonsorelli Not bad at all for literally 6 days in the soil


BradLee101090 The stacking and stem length is good! I’m working on my first time and am 11 days in. Learning process here. Haha. One of my embryonic leaves wouldn’t fold all the way down and it caused it to stretch up past it.. my light was way too much so might’ve had something to do with that happening.

Day: 4


4 years ago


EtherealBud Beautiful


Bonsorelli Thanks , I use a seedling light from Home Depot/ Rona for my seedlings and they work really well. They have the perfect spectrum for this stage. Then I move them into the tent when they develop roots / 3rd leaf.

Day: 3

Looking good too.

4 years ago

Day: 2

Sour girl 2

4 years ago

Day: 1

Just popped

4 years ago