

The beginning, my first ever home grow!!

All help and knowledge to help me in this journey will be great

Two Seedsman Lemon Autos(I lost two due to novice errors and impatience lol) Two more going in not sure when yet as just in the paper towels. My setup: 100x100x180cm Marshydro grow tent, two 1500 led quantum boards, 4” carbon filter and extraction fan, one 9” oscillating fan above and one 6” clip on fan at the bottom, 5 gallon fabric pots using Canna coco coir pro plus and perlite (80/20) will also be using canna nutes. Nutes are Canna coco A+B, canna Rhizotonic, PK 13/14, Cannazym, Boost and CalMag update I also use ecothrive charge I may have missed something if so I’m sorry.

Seedsman Lemon Auto

Day 65 (Week 10)

23 updates

77 photos

Day: 65


Lemon Auto#1 how is she looking growmies, and how long do you think she needs before I start to flush? All help will be appreciated 🙏🏽

4 years ago


Kushinator Also do you reckon I should defoliate more than I have been?


greengrowlady I noticed you are using canna for fertilizer. I’m using their line of Biocanna. So far loving it but I was just wondering if I need to flush with it. Not much information on their products on the net.


Kushinator Not sure what you mean? Do you mean as you’re using the bio range do you even need to flush? Is that what you mean?

Day: 65

Lemon Auto #2 she getting there too and I don’t think she’ll be that much behind her sister

4 years ago


Kushinator Do you reckon I should defoliate more?

Fostano It wouldn’t hurt, open up those bud sites!!!

Day: 53

Lemon Auto #1, this happy girl is growing well and putting on some serious size and starting to stack nicely 👌🏽💪🏽🌱

4 years ago

Day: 53

Lemon Auto #2, this trooper doesn’t stop amazing me!! She’s catching up to her sibling 👌🏽

4 years ago

Day: 42

Lemon Auto #1 doing her thang 👌🏽

4 years ago

Day: 42

Lemon Auto #2 chugging along nicely 👌🏽

4 years ago

Day: 39


Lemon Auto #1 she’s getting thirsty now 💧💧💧 she’s 13” tall now too 💪

4 years ago


Kushinator Can anybody tell me if she’s ready for PK yet or not?


combatmedic81 What does PK stand for?


Kushinator CANNA PK 13/14 is a high grade mixture of phosphorus and potassium that is added during the flowering phase. ... Phosphorous (P) is a macro nutritional element for every plant. It plays a key role in metabolism and energy transfer. In the flowering phase, extra phosphorous is needed.

Day: 39


Lemon Auto #2 she’s doing great considering that I snapped her in half with my first attempt at lst 😳🤦🏽‍♂️🤣 I can’t fault how she soldier’d on 👌🏽💪🏽

4 years ago

bassman654 Ha ! I've done that before. Looks like all you did was create a bunch of new tops. 😁


Kushinator I’m not going to lie I was heartbroken when it happened!! They’re hardy little things though and like you said it’s just forced it to sprout more tops, can’t fault her ☺️👌🏽

Day: 38

Lemon Auto #1 just got fed, she’s on full strength now and seems to be loving it 🌱🌱🌱

4 years ago

Day: 38

Lemon Auto #2 she’s also on full strength too but was not fed today!! Considering what she’s been through, I really can’t fault her 💪🌱

4 years ago

Day: 37


Lemon Auto #1 she’s really loving life and going great guns 👌🏽

4 years ago

Day: 32

Lemon Auto #1 coming along nicely

4 years ago


GROWNH Looking good brother! Nice work. My only advice is to switch to growing photos ASAP. So much better than the autos. I started with autos as well and wish I hadn’t wasted my time. Photos are so much more versatile of a plant


Kushinator Thanks bro 🙏🏽 I will experiment with photos but only once I’ve mastered autos 😉👌🏽 appreciate the advise though bro much luv 👍🏽

Day: 32

Lemon Auto #2 even after what happened to her, she’s pulled through like a trooper. She’s a little warrior 😉

4 years ago

Day: 26

Lst working a treat 🙌🏽

4 years ago

Day: 26

Was a little too heavy handed with this girl, and snapped her main stem 😢 tried to save her with some honey and taped her, but unfortunately she didn’t take to it!! We live and we learn, definitely won’t be making that mistake again in a hurry 🤣

4 years ago


Kushinator She’s recovering now 🙏🏽

Day: 16

Had four feeds now, how they looking Growmies? This is lemon auto #2

4 years ago

Day: 16

Lemon auto #1 after four feeds

4 years ago

bgeezy When are you planning on topping


Kushinator It’s my first grow mate, so I’m not going to top these just LST. I’ll start that in the next few days I reckon

Day: 16


LST’d both Lemon Autos #1 + #2!! This is my first ever attempt at doing this as this is all new to me, how do they look and have I LST’d correctly? TIA peace Growmies ✌🏽

4 years ago


Docgreen666 If you can tuck the fan leaves,and continue through grow


Kushinator Cheers bro, much appreciated. I’ve tucked as much as I thought possible, but I will most definitely continue to tuck and lst to get more light and air circulation that’s for sure!! 🙏🏽🌱🙏🏽


EvolueOrganix Doing a great job my friend!

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Day: 9


Fed again same as day 6

4 years ago


wintercitrus Cool I'm growing two of the same ones


Kushinator Nice! What stage are yours at mate?


wintercitrus Well week two of veg early seedlings not growing as fast as yours

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Day: 7

2nd girl got off to a slower start but she’s caught up with her sis now 🙏🏽

4 years ago

Day: 6


First feed for the girls today. What I fed: Canna A 0.5ml, Canna B 0.5ml, CalMag 0.5ml and Rhizotonic 2ml this was in 500ml of water PH’d to 5.9 split between the two. Temp: 21-27. RH:56-89

4 years ago

Day: 5


How does it look, and how do the girls look?

4 years ago

Mr. CannaVolution

Mr. CannaVolution Looks 👍 Great! Be sure not to fertilize during seedling stage, and do not over water! Also seedling do not need the full 1,000 watt. I use Mars hydro 1,000w and I’ve found it best for seedlings with the dimmer on 25


Kushinator Thanks mate, really appreciate your comment. I have not fertilised yet just correct ph water with some Rhizotonic and CalMag. Mine do not have a dimmer unfortunately but have raised them 120cm above!! This was recommended by a good friend. Does that sound about right? Once again thanks Growmie ✌🏽

bassman654 I'm also growing an auto lemon. It just started to flower this week. I've got mine in 3-gallon pots in an 8x4 tent. Be careful with the notes growing in straight coco because it's easy to overfeed and run into problems. Your Ph has to be on point too. I use a 50/50 soil and coco mix. It seems to be a lot more forgiving IMHO. Good luck.

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Day: 5

First time grower, just looking for some feedback and advice. All will greatly appreciated 🙏🏽

4 years ago


halal_homo Looking good.


Kushinator Thanks mate