ILGM Gorilla Glue & Banana Kush
End of summer, 2023
Two Banana Kush, Three Gorilla glue. Sprout to Harvest grow journal. Newer grower, still have a lot to learn.
Gorilla Glue & Banana Kush
Day 46 (Week 7)
7 updates
24 photos
Day: 46
Middle of Week 7. Transplanted and 1st neem oil spray applied. Neem will be applied every 3 weeks before lights on now. The girls are looking alright but growth has slowed slightly. The BK recovered from the topping and I hit her with a second topping for each shoot. No clue what I'm trying to do with my GG4, but she's got a pretty sexy 90° angle now... so maybe she wont be a she later on bc of the stress if these genetics cant handle. Curious either way, but I wonder how/if my GG4 will heal because there is a tear in the shoot now.
a year ago
toketoke Just a note that the marks on the leaves were due to PH fluctuations. I let the plants stay in their initial cups for wayyyyy too long due to laziness and as the coco was drying out the ph was rising.
jamies-garden I usually put my photos through their paces (stress wise) because I grow too many plants. Maybe look into other alternatives to neem oil but if that’s your thing to each their own. Damn that’s some high stress training lol. I like my girls all natural with minimal intervention. Also, those splits etc always heal. Look into getting some bonsai cut putty (some people say it traps too much in but I clean where I’m using it and I have never had a problem. Provides support etc to those intense areas/wound areas etc. I’ll shut up now.
Day: 39
Middle of Week 6. Topped the BK bc it was growing vertical like crazy. Need to transplant within the next few days. Hoping to experiment a bit with this grow and push these ILGM plants to see if theyre worth cloning at all.
a year ago
Day: 35
End of Week 5. Forgot to take notes and pics for a few weeks because everything got crazy in my life for a bit. Decided to get rid of the third, smaller plant and put it outside. These two are growing well, but are looking like they are needing a transplant. The growth is a bit slow because temperatures in my lung room have been between 67-73°F so I have been struggling to keep that number on the higher side by closing my door to my lung room. Waiting until the last possible moment this year to click on heat because of the increase in prices. Light is also only at 25% due to cost and strength, however, will be 75%-100% during flowering.
a year ago
Day: 35
End of week 5 flower for these forsaken girls outside. I know the tents have been dropping, but I cant tell if the second pic is natural color coming in or something much worse! i have 2 in my grow tent, these girls just got put outside for a no lst easy harvest. I doubt theyll finish before the freezing weather kicks in. They already had a lower than 50° F night.
a year ago
toketoke temperatures* not tents
Day: 14
End of Week 2. I'm down to 3 plants indoors and 2 outdoors now. There are 2 Gorilla glue left to pick from to find the "better" one. Its looking like the smaller one in the back is gonna get shoved outside. The plants are beginning to uptake their entire volume of water every 1 1/2 - 2 days. Will transplant when the plant is fully drying itself out in a 24 hour period.
a year ago
Day: 7
End of week one. Tent isn't completed yet because my light hasn't arrived on time so the girls are suffering. Soon to be in a better environment, but the lack of light and cold temps have done their damage on many of these. Third picture shows a mutated plant with 3 cotyledons. This was my first time seeing this, but this plant is suffering so I may put it outside so I can just get a half assed yield out of it without as much work.
a year ago
Caliban Put them under a fluorescent light. That’s all they need at this stage.
Day: 0
Starting with 5 plants. 3 Gorilla Glue #4 and 2 Banana Kush. I'm looking for one beauty out of each strain to fill up my 4x4 in the end. As the weeks go on the plants that don't grow to my standards or due to my own ignorance will be moved outdoors to finish.
a year ago