
Greenhouse Experiment

June 3018

Seedlings have sprouted in rockwool. Rockwool has been placed on DWC bucket with oxygen. Seedlings are growing well, and are 80mm - 90mm in height.

Greenhouse regular

Day 26 (Week 4)

3 updates

3 photos

Day: 26

The plants are growing nicely under lights, 170mm in height from stem base. Some leaf tips are yellowish brown. Changed water and added nutrients 6:6:12 ratio with 10mg powder nutrients added.

7 years ago

Day: 18

The plants have been taken out of water and placed in a pot with clay stones added. The plants have been placed in the grow tent under 24 hours light. Stems are straightening are are 120mm in height.

7 years ago

Day: 5

Seedlings growing well. Stems are showing red.

7 years ago