
Gifted Seeds- FTG, no idea what they are

Growing indoors

I was gifted seeds and started soaking them. Never grew at all so not sure what to do. So far I got them sprouting so that’s a plus


Day 134 (Week 20)


51 updates

201 photos

Day: 134


So I trimmed the branches in half. Place in paper bags and put it back into the tent to redistribute the moisture evenly. Definitely a learning curve and not nearly as much as I thought I’d get. I also had to chop down early due to personal reasons. Live and learn

2 years ago

shelbert008 Looks pretty good for a first grow! What kind of light did you finish with?

Day: 126


Switched to flower on day 60.

2 years ago

Day: 126



2 years ago


dpat Stumped. But look nice and milky. Maybe the taste and effects will help?

Day: 116


Just a little update.

2 years ago

Day: 115


Just a little update. The smell on these girls! The carbon filter is useless. My house is starting to stink and the wife ain’t having it!!

2 years ago


SwiftGenetics Just went back looked through the whole grow and I have to say I’m glad everything has been working out for you all things considered lol. Good luck!

crazybuds89 Ty! Any suggestions in the future? I’ve learned so much so far lol


SwiftGenetics Honestly I’m pretty new too lol but if I see a new post I’ll try to help.

Day: 111


Pic update.

2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts Coming along nicely 👍🏾

Day: 111


Watered with a banana compost tea for the first time. Curious to know how great it will work. Thinking of chopping her down in 2-3 weeks. Thoughts?

2 years ago

LeChron James

LeChron James Maybe. Tough to predict at this point

LeChron James

LeChron James First grow?

crazybuds89 First grow ever yeah

Day: 102


Nice healthy watering yesterday and today they look delicious

2 years ago

Day: 98


Trimmed a lot of the large fan leaves that were blocking light. Let’s see how they respond. Thought process is then more energy spent on flower

2 years ago


Drizz Nice scrog so far🔥👍

crazybuds89 Ty drizz


Drizz 3rd picture is my fav. You can see the heavy trics and leaf’s look healthy.

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Day: 95


Just watered the girls. Any thoughts on how much longer? Few weeks? A month? No idea what I’m doing

2 years ago

Day: 89


Mixed in 1/4th cup nutes into soil and watered.

2 years ago

Day: 87


Added compost tea to each plant. Light yesterday was moved to 100%. Added shredded brown paper bag as mulch instead of regular paper.

2 years ago

Day: 85


Just an update. Been on flower now 24 days. Any thoughts on what to do from here? First grow! I’m making a compost tea right now for the next watering use flower girl nutes from dr earth.

2 years ago


Tallboy2023 24 days 🤔 I'm no pro but I would think the buds would further along. What sort of nutes and light are you using? 

crazybuds89 They were stunted because I had no heater originally and the temps were consistently 60*. Finally got them at 70+ now. Lights at 75%

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Day: 78


Well this is day 20 into flower. I think I fecked up my plants. Over lollipopped and they are definitely stunted. I found out that’s because my tents been too cold. I now have a heater to keep it in the 70s. Hopefully they can recover. Any tips/advice?

2 years ago

Day: 72


Decided to do some trimming and attempted to make smoothies cubes. Mixture of oj, water and fan leaves. Anyone do this before? Tips or thoughts. Day 12 of flower

2 years ago


organic_grower I'm confused what are these for?


organic_grower Plants looks good 👍

crazybuds89 I’m growing for medical reasons so the leaves supposedly reduce inflammation.

Day: 68


Just a visual update. Added a shot glass of molasses water to each pot. Give the soil a little microbe boost.

2 years ago

Day: 63


Coming along nicely

2 years ago

Day: 61


So for the girls. I decided to mix 1/4 cup nutes into the soil followed by watering with molasses water ( 1/2 gallon per pot). I’m going to switch to flower today and see what happens. Saw it on living soils YouTube. Let’s see if it works. Day 0 of flower 12/12

2 years ago

Day: 60

They are really improving! I’m beyond excited. Any tips on LsT?

2 years ago


ash6793 Usually I use garden wire and paper clips to avoid cutting holes in my fabric pots.

Day: 57


Watered with compost tea followed by regular water.

2 years ago

Day: 56


Decided to start some LST with some 3d printed clamps. Sprung back quick after 6 hours.

2 years ago

Day: 54

Watered with compost tea. Can anyone explain the leaf colors? Only on one plant

2 years ago

Day: 53

When should I switch to flower based on my 2 x 4 tent?

2 years ago


GrNadeGrade When the plant is roughly half the height that your tent can accommodate.

Day: 51


Plants were just watered with one cup each of compost tea

2 years ago

Day: 49


Plants are looking sexy today! I mixed up some compost tea and by tomorrow I can add it to the plants. Says one cup? Is that accurate? How often should I add to my girls?

2 years ago

Day: 47

Moved light intensity to 75% instead of 50%. Misted leaves. Let’s see how they do

2 years ago


organic_grower What with the shredded paper?


blazinherb I second the motion for whats with the shredded paper?

crazybuds89 Mulch lmao

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Day: 45

Got some saucers for the girls to go on and mulched some shredded paper to help keep the moisture in. Living soil medium

2 years ago

Day: 44

Added fertilizer. Only one and a half shot glasses to the soil each. Mixed in with my hands and then watered all around. Boom on the new growth!

2 years ago

Day: 43

Day one of adding one shot glass full of fertilizer to each pot. Mixing it into the soil with my fingers then watering. I’m hoping I didn’t over fertilize. Can’t wait to see the boost

2 years ago

amoss How did it work? I’m learning how much fertilizer we should add, also.

crazybuds89 Great. Check out my next set of pics. Posting now. So much new growth

Day: 42

I have soil fertilizer coming in. 4-9-5. I will be amending into soil as soon as it comes in. Otherwise they are starting to pick up and grow. I can see the leaves needs nutes bad.

2 years ago

Day: 39

Can’t wait to see this boom. I can all ready see much growth since I moved them into their pots. Any concerns you see?

2 years ago


AlwaysBoofing Yes they need nitrogen immediately

crazybuds89 Fastes way to boost nitrogen?

crazybuds89 I made a coffee ground tea

Day: 38

Topped the girls yesterday. Watered each pot with one and a half shot glasses of water. Misted the tent and plants down. Think they are growing pretty good so far

2 years ago

Day: 36


Just a little photo bomb. How do they look?

2 years ago

Day: 34

First full day after transplanting. Looks a little transplant shocked. Some yellowish in the leaves

2 years ago

Day: 33


Transplanted the ladies into 5 gallon pots. Deb pending how big they get I’ll remove the weaker ones if I need too. How much should I be watering these girls now? I’ve been watering 100ml. Basically five kids medicine cups when it looks like they are dry.

2 years ago

b19boston I usually lift the pot ever now and then while watering to gauge the weight. I also lightly feel the soil as well as look for color changes .


Caliban I’m a 5G pot I often water every other day depending on the dryness of the top 2”. About 2quarts per pot. My Rh is very low so the plants drink a lot.

Day: 32


Loving watching my girls grow up. Thinking about Monday or Tuesday transplanting.

2 years ago

Day: 27

So I turned up the lighting to 50 % instead of 25% and tomorrow I will be transplanting them into their 5 gallon containers. I’ll wait a week then I plan to top them. They are definitely in need of some loving

2 years ago

Day: 25

Orange circled plants im testing a banana coffee ground tea. Others just using water. Started today. Will be curious to know if the runts of the pots get bigger and match the others size

2 years ago


Caliban You need to repot into at least 5gallon if you want a yield

crazybuds89 Absolutely I will be within a week I think


Caliban I would do it much sooner. They are starved for nutrients. 😆😏

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Day: 23


When’s it good to top them off?

2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts If you’re referring to topping them two crest to main colas✂️ then it’s not time yet. Too small to top them, if you top this small it’ll drastically slow them down, you should first repot and bury most of the stem leaving out about an inch. Once you repot get an oscillating fan going to help strengthen stems. Good luck with your girls 👍🏾


ig:@eaegifts To create I meant 🤣💨

crazybuds89 Should I repot now you think or wait?

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Day: 20

Going to wait till next week then I’ll transplant them. Was some good starter soil that’s cheap? Can I just buy potting soil and mix with compost maybe?

2 years ago

Day: 19

Good to transplant yet?

2 years ago


phriedphoenix I’d hold off for another week. They look fairly fresh

Day: 16

Just got my tent kit in and built! First time grower. Can anyone give advice/changes that I need to do? Lights set to 25% being so close and set on 18/6 cycle

2 years ago

Day: 13

Girls seem to be growing good. Keeping a fan on them and lights are set for veg stage. Watering once a day. First time grow

2 years ago


xXBorn2BreedXx They look to be stretching quite a bit. What type of light are you using and how far away is it.


xXBorn2BreedXx Im a first time grower as well. Check out ppl on YouTube like the From Seed to Stoned page, they also have a discord and help out a lot.


xXBorn2BreedXx Look up “cannabis damping off” just to be sure it isn’t that as well.

Day: 8

So I made makeshift stakes because I had my light too high and they were getting lengthy. I lower the light and added more mix to the top of the cups. When I plant them I plan to add mix to the very first leaves. I think they are growing good, how about you guys and gals?

2 years ago

Day: 7

So my stems started tipping over. I put more dirt to the rim then made stakes for them. Hopefully this helps a little. Any tips? Please let me know

2 years ago


Jair177 I’m only on my 3rd grow so I definitely don’t know everything. However, when you transplant to a larger pot just bury them a little deeper so your seedlings don’t tip. I would suggest moving your light a bit closer so you don’t have so much stretching.


drdave1 Put a fan on them, just enough to make them sway back and forth a little, it will strengthen the plant


triston805 Yeah I had this problem and ended up just starting new seeds. The light is to high. I think recommendations are 48-60 inches for seedlings. How high do you have the light right now from the tops of the plant?

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Day: 5

Another day down. I decided to gently flick the stems back and forth as a commentor suggested. I’ll do this every once in a while and see if it works

2 years ago

Day: 4

Girls are growing up fast :) any tips would love them. Never grew before

2 years ago


FeedtheSoil420 Flick them back and forth gently it will make your main stem stronger.

loudpak23 How do you know if they are males or females ?

crazybuds89 At this stage I don’t think you can

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Day: 3


4 out of 5 sprouted!

2 years ago

Day: 2


Added to cups. Now the waiting game

2 years ago

Day: 1


Saddened my girls are chopped down. Excited for what they reap though

2 years ago

Day: 0

Seeds sprouting! Unknown type and strain

2 years ago