

Unknown clone


Little beginners wardrobe grow, learning as I go šŸ˜‚ no chemicals round ere my matessss

Lemon somethingšŸ˜‚

Day 37 (Week 6)

5 updates

16 photos

Day: 37


Not been active on here been way too busy with other things aha. Moved her into a bigger pot around a week ago (coco grow+ Ā£10 on Amazon) and it seems to have been thriving since itā€™s really starting to branch out and get bushier which is what I wanted so all in all happy so far

3 years ago


beginnerforthewinner Also turns out that after speaking to the person I got the clone off his turned out to be some sorta lemon haze or something not stardawg which is a bonus coz who actually likes stardawg šŸ˜‚

Day: 6

Been TRYINGšŸ˜‚ to do some low stress training guess itā€™s just a waiting game to see if it will work

3 years ago

Day: 5


Just before lights off. (I know this plant isnā€™t 5 days old. I have had the plant for 5 days)

3 years ago


budman0211 Do u have this on 12-12?


budman0211 Is this a monster crop cutting? Growing quite strange. Almost like not enough light and caught between veg and bloom.

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Day: 4


Slowly getting there

3 years ago


HammertimeAZ Day 4? Really? Looks more like day 20


beginnerforthewinner Yh the 4th day Iā€™ve had it aha

Day: 3

Looks healthy enough to me, seems to be a couple new stems sprouting that are coming along nicely. Any advice/help would be much appreciated

3 years ago