
Second grow

Summer 2024

Planted 5 photo period un-sexed

Citrus Chunk

Day 104 (Week 15)



17 updates

50 photos

Day: 104


Some hairs starting to turn yellow

14 days ago

Day: 101


pH issue on the left one

17 days ago


. You should raise the light on the right of the pic, keeping it that close to the bud will kill the terpenes and possibly scorch the buds.

Day: 94


Got the humidity under control

24 days ago

Day: 87


Bulking up

a month ago

Day: 78


Got the humidity under control

a month ago

Day: 75


Will prob need one more feed

a month ago

Day: 72


The stretch is slowing down now

a month ago

Day: 69

Got the humidity under control but it’s still a little too warm in the tent with the heat waves we have been getting. Temps 70-80F

2 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 When temps get to 80 get your humidity humidity to 68-69 you won’t need to stress about it is vpd1.18 that’s perfect for dr greenhouse vpd app on your phone you wil have better idea about it.

Day: 63

Been starting to drink more

2 months ago

Day: 62

Third week of flower I think

2 months ago

Day: 61

Moved to 12/12 one 12 days ago

2 months ago

Day: 49

Doing great now. Two were boys. I replanted 1 week ago

2 months ago

Day: 29

I got issues

3 months ago


NovaCanee What type of soil your using ?

Jimbo Norman

Jimbo Norman What’s your water ph?

pady I’m using gaia Green soil and amendments, pH is generally between 5.8 and 6.2 although I had some issues and I believe they were getting water with a pH of 6.5 to 7.2 for a bit

View 3 additional comments

Day: 14

Going well

3 months ago

Day: 12


3 months ago

Day: 4

4/5 germination on day 2. Last one popped today

4 months ago

Day: 0


Just planted

4 months ago