My first online tracked grow
2020 Grow Plogging
This is not my first grow It’s my first grow to be posted online and plogged I’ll keep you guys posted on it
Purple Kush
Day 25 (Week 4)
7 updates
7 photos
Day: 25

5 years ago
Day: 24

At this moment the plant are soon ready to be transferred to its new permanent home(pot)
5 years ago
Day: 17

I add artificial nutrients with a syringe to the soil every 2 days
5 years ago
MalcomX I watching your grow, so I can learn
Day: 11

Plants receive 8h of UV light everyday and receive a lot of attention for a proper growth
5 years ago
LucasBudgell Only 8 hours of light per day?
carbonated_water.rr The reason for that is because I want them to be strong I do this a lot with plants that I grow I give them limited amounts of light from a very young age so that they adapt to low light I can leave them with no light or water in the dark for 6 days and they won’t die
Day: 10

Plant is big enough to receive UV light
5 years ago
Day: 8

Time to give them a home
5 years ago
MalcomX What soil blend did you use? I germinated my seeds, I planted and nothing happen since I planted the seeds. It’s been 15 days. You have any advice?
carbonated_water.rr Hit me up on instagram fo a proper convo @carbonated_water.rr
carbonated_water.rr It’s non harden home made super water absorbent and nutrient fed soil I also sell it on eBay
Day: 5

I like to first groom my seeds in a plastic container that has a soft cotton bottom and is damp with water to let the roots burst out of the seed with out soil pressure.😌
5 years ago