

Trainwreck Autoflower

Outdoor summer 2024

Five Trainwreck autoflower plants


Day 47 (Week 7)


8 updates

14 photos

Day: 47

So girlie is def flowering, kind of unexpected but I wound up removing the original peat planter it was in within the 5 gallon bc I thought it would just disintegrate into the soil but that certainly did not happen which explains the weak stem. I’m hoping I didn’t ruin its chances of filling in better but if I could get even 7-10g from this, I’m satisfied!

2 months ago

Day: 44


I went away for four days and came back to one of the girls snapped in half by some critter, but the other looks like it’s starting to flower???

2 months ago

Day: 40

Girly update, they’re starting to look way better than I ever anticipated considering the conditions lol

3 months ago

Day: 35

Starting to show some nice growth, considering my outdoor conditions, I’m actually very pleased with these! Fed them w/ Advanced Nutes veg cycle

3 months ago

Day: 32

They’re slow to move, minimal sun in my backyard so don’t expect to get much but they look lively enough for what my situation is - critters took out one of them when they were small but these two have had some life!! Staying optimistic here

3 months ago

Day: 16


Moved outside - best sun spot I’ve got that isn’t straight up at my curb

3 months ago

Day: 9

Don’t look so great

4 months ago

LordOfTheWeeds I think they might lack light. But could also be to warm or to cold.


bronxzoo It was def that I had my light too high up - they’re outdoor now but rough to get consistent sun to be honest. This is going to be a test lazy grow considering I got the seeds basically for free (Humboldt seed co) from a nursery that was going out of business. Have others indoor I’m starting next week!

LordOfTheWeeds I wish you the best of luck! Not all starts are pefect but you can collect experience for your next grow! And who knows, maybe the harvest is better than thought :)

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Day: 3

Moving germinated seeds to soil, happy frog in peat planters

4 months ago