

Summer-Fall Indoor


Clones started mid june, put in tent July 28th

Grape God clones

Day 77 (Week 11)


4 updates

4 photos

Day: 77

Indoor run establishing. Going to flip sooner than later to make up for losses outdoors

4 months ago

Day: 43


So sometimes you get distracted by life and or other grows, and happen to not pay attention as closely as you should. Didnt notice i had a mite infestation starting. I saw some leaves turning but i thought it to be nutrient deficiency which i had just fed them so no worries. But you cant deny its mites when you see them crawling around the underside of the leaf. LESSON LEARNED: pay attention!

5 months ago

Jimbo Norman

Jimbo Norman Bummer man

Day: 30


Been in flower for about a week now. Just trying to keep up a good flow. This strain never fails to grow nice big buds!

6 months ago

Day: 0

In the tent and folded out under trellis

7 months ago