Northern Lights #4
Female Seed Mother Run
3 Feminized Northern Lights #4 seed being grown out to find a proper mother. They were just transplanted today from shot glasses to their new containers. One of them has an interesting gene mutation where it’s not growing properly formed leaves. Will stay updated.
Northern Lights #4
Day 59 (Week 9)
4 updates
6 photos
Day: 59
So one of these seeds did great, one did okay, and one is just completely shitting the bed. Take a peak lmao oh well you live and you learn right?! We’ll see I may have to toss the two bad ones :(
5 years ago
Day: 39
These babies are doing great since the transplant, topping them every so often to keep them nice and bushy for clones.
5 years ago
Day: 26
Plants are about 4” tall. 2 of them are going nice and bushy but it’s he one in the 1 gallon (with the mutation) seems to be growing very lanky.
5 years ago
Day: 17
The plants were just transplanted today into their new containers and given pure water. One of them has a cool gene mutation I noticed today.
5 years ago