

Psilocybin Grow

Type to be determined

Thinking about doing those, not sure if I can post this here or if anyone is interested in doing this too?


Day 97 (Week 14)

27 updates

83 photos

Day: 97


Ok it’s a wrap, was a good learning experience. Cleaning the tent out for the next grow. Ordered some stuff from Northspore, maybe I’ll make another journal on here of it. Hoping to help others who want to give this a shot. Was definitely harder than I thought it would be but less complicated than weed. Now I get to sample the yield! 👍👊

2 years ago

Day: 91

2nd flush of little wieners are looking happy. Got the replacement humidity controller and it makes life soooo much easier. Set it and forget it 😀

2 years ago

Day: 89

Cool, got some action going on for a 2nd flush.

2 years ago

Day: 86


After soaking the 2 blocks I harvested in water for 8 hours I put them back in the chamber which is in fruiting conditions. We’ll see what happens. Blue Ouster block hasn’t changed since I dunked that one. 3rd block is showing really small pins and stalled. Any ideas on what to do with that one anybody?

2 years ago

Day: 85

Was happy to harvest something 😀 not a great yield but it’s something so far. There are more in there that are still coming along. The one block looks like it just died overnight! Anyone with some advice, I’d appreciate it. Not sure if they’ll bounce back. Think I had the humidity too high?

2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts I saw online someone say hydrogen peroxide with water to mist the sides of the tub. They said that it won’t kill the spores but will kill any bacteria I believe


ig:@eaegifts Nice harvest


ig:@eaegifts How long did they take to develop fully after they started? Just looking for an estimate, I posted a video of mine on Instagram earlier today but can’t watch them often because they’re in my flower tent.

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Day: 85

They really look like ass Lol, but hey as long as they’re potent! Guess I’ll see soon enough. Math comes out to around .8 ounce (a measure I can wrap my head around) and they seem “cracker dry” after 1-1/2 days under a fan. I’m pretty happy about it. Think what the harvest is worth more than covers the initial investment in grow bags, spores, humidifier, etc. A lot of the stuff I already had from my weed tent setup.

2 years ago

Day: 85

Took the two blocks that produced shrooms and dunked them in water. Going to do 8 hours. Had to put the pot and water/milk container on top to weigh them down in the Homer bucket. They want to float up to the top. 2nd pic seems to be holding the humidity steady around 91 RH. Trying to lower the % after the first batch were very wet and mushy. Easier to control now since everything is in the FC, for now anyway!

2 years ago

Day: 82


Golden Teachers are coming along slowly but surely. Harvested the Blue Oysters so was able to spread things out a bit. Looks like maybe the one side that was up against the chamber wall go a little too much water? Darker shrooms there. Twisted the blocks around, maybe needs more air flow there to dry it up.

2 years ago

cottonBud Possibly, if it has a yellowish tent to the darker side it may just be mycelium piss witch is ok. Nice looking flush for sure!! Great job!


gpurps Thanks Cotton! I’m going to take a close look when I get home. Hahah mycelium piss

Day: 79

Be careful, if anyone is reading this. Don’t trust this humidity controller, mine weren’t getting enough humidity. Saw the blue oysters were getting a little “crispy” for lack of a better word. It was reading approx 20 degree F higher than actual. Wow really gotta check on them! Though I had it at set it and forget it.

2 years ago


gpurps If you zoom in on instructions pics they know there are issues. I emailed them requesting a replacement.

Day: 78


All different kinds of growth, really cool to watch. Was tempted to pop off one of those Golden Teachers to sample, so tempting! The one block that had that weird moldy kinda growth on it is looking like it might pin too. Amazing how the Blue Oysters shot right up out of the bag and Golden Teachers are much slower. That block I bought was already innoculated and covered in mycelium though.

2 years ago

Day: 77


Blue oysters stole the show here. Had to double up on the chamber to raise the ceiling! This time I used a soldering iron for the holes and it went so much faster. Make sure you do it outside or by a fan because man burnt plastic smells naaaaasty. Golden Teachers or what I call the “little bag of dicks” lol turned upwards towards the light and appear to have grown slightly.

2 years ago


gpurps Why couldn’t they look like little pussies instead? 🤣😂


Stoney4Jay You got any spore syringes


gpurps No, used em all up unfortunately. Why do you need some?

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Day: 74

Good news! Got some little shrooms. They didn’t come up thru the slits I made but were on the sides. I took all of them totally out of the bags so their growth isn’t restricted. They were kinda squished. I put a bag of Blue Oyster mushrooms in there too to keep the wife thinking they’re not magic mushrooms 😀

2 years ago


gpurps The one bag that took off with growth got kinda weird, think there was mold on it from being too wet when I was trying to figure out the best way to get humidity in there. No shrooms on that one yet but I’m not giving up on her. Cut out the brown part that looked rotted and put it back in the chamber. Didn’t look like it was spreading, was some water that puddles up on top of it.


Kushwards Quality! it’s looking good! We’re starting a shroom grow v soon


gpurps Thanks! Awesome, good luck with it. I see there are some good magic mushroom groups on Reddit too.

Day: 69

Definitely something going on here, hopefully it’s good 😊 it rose up thru the slits I cut in the bag, looks like a slice of cheesecake. All puffed up.

2 years ago


Kushwards Interested to see how this is going


gpurps @Kushwards, thanks for checking in, I just posted an update, got some baby shrooms!

Day: 65

Gotta be a better way to keep the humidity up for sure. Maybe I’ll try one of those external bins with a fogger in it. Didn’t want to drill anything into the humidifiers and potentially crack the plastic. 4 days inside the chamber and not a lot of growth really.

2 years ago


gpurps Ok a little growth now I looked again. Not seeing any pins yet, 4th day inside the chamber. @chronikking: how long til you see pins?

Day: 63

May not look pretty but seems to be keeping the humidity up. Even lower makeshift fix with painter’s tape, not even duct tape 😂

2 years ago

Day: 62

Put 1 bag in and sliced open the top, misted it with distilled water. Internal exhaust fan is going at the lowest speed, also one fan inside the tent moving the air around and getting the CO2 out. RH went up around 20% once I put the gauge into the chamber so it looks like the Perlite is doing it’s thing. Next I’m going to get the LED light on the timer, thinking 12 hours on 12 hours off.

2 years ago


Kushwards Following this it looks awesome.


gpurps Thanks Kush, hoping it will work and help more people do it. Had the tent set up for weed and altered it a little.

Day: 62

One 8 quart bag gave the chamber 2-3” of Perlite. Trying to dial in the temp and humidity. Heard that fruiting should be around 74 F so am catering to the one bag in the chamber, not the other 2 that aren’t doing much outside the chamber. Going to let things stabilize then see where I’m at. Have the humidifier inside the tent set on 55% for now which is really around 70%.

2 years ago

Day: 60

Did some rearranging inside the tent. Finished holes in fruiting chamber. Damn I’m out of shape! 🤣😅 been able to not spend too much, tubs inside tent and fruiting chamber were here buried in my basement but pretty filthy.

2 years ago


gpurps Perlite was pretty cheap from Amazon. Next step is to soak it for a few hours then into the chamber. Any advice on when I should put the one bag with lots of growth into the chamber?

Day: 57


One bag is going really well and mycelium are taking over. 2nd bag has some growth, not a lot. 3rd bag has zero growth so I tried to shock it by putting in the fridge for 8 hours. Re-injected the 2 bags : 2ml each with the last 4 ml so that’s it for spores. Will be happy to get at least one bag to produce 😀👍

2 years ago


gpurps Decided to make a shotgun fruiting chamber to put inside the tent. People seem to have good luck with them. Hoping to transfer at least one of the grow bags into it. Making Swiss cheese outta it now Lol ordering up some perlite to put on the bottom. It’s suppose to absorb the water you pour into it and keep the chamber moist and humid. See how it goes.


gpurps 8 days since last injection

Day: 54


One bag is really taking off with some growth. Another one has some too, one has none at all. I’ve read that you can put it in the fridge or freezer to kinda shock it, then re-inject. Need to look into more and try that.

2 years ago


3meraldThumb You have spores?


gpurps Yes I have some spores left from the original order. Came with 2 syringes, each one having 10ml.

The Chronik King 👑

The Chronik King 👑 Temps can play a big role in colonization too

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Day: 50


Re-injected all 3 bags with 2ml of solution each. They recommend squirting one ML at front of the bag so you can see if mycelium are growing. We’ll see what happens. Close to Ideal conditions now 79 F in the tent.

2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts Have you done this before? I’d like to pick your brain if you have


gpurps @ig:@eaegifts No it’s my first time, still leaning myself. Whole process doesn’t seem that complicate but no growth so far. Whatever I can help with - please ask.


ig:@eaegifts Any recommendations on where to buy spores? I have a jar almost inoculated but don’t know how credible the source was

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Day: 50

Spore suppliers

2 years ago

Day: 47

No mycelium growth just yet. Thinking about putting the humidifier in there, shouldn’t need to buy figured it couldn’t hurt. Soil in bag didn’t seem moist.

2 years ago


gpurps Who knows, maybe those syringes are filled with dish soap lol

Day: 47

Dialing it in, not sure how I’m going to get it up to 90% which is recommended during fruiting. Pretty close though with humidifier I have.

2 years ago

Reckless mind

Reckless mind They recommended humidity is 90 for flower?

Day: 40

Finally got around to injecting the bags yesterday. Temp is set at 79

2 years ago


tomclancy You done this b4?


gpurps No never Tom, how about you ?


gpurps You can probably tell my first time 🤣😂

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Day: 12

Ordered the grow bags and syringes on Saturday. Received an email saying they shipped already 👍 so far it seems legit.

2 years ago


gpurps Have to clean this all out and sterilize everything. Looks like I’ll be receiving the bags before the syringes.


gpurps Have some tomatoes in a paper bag in there now. Supposed to help ripen up the ones that didn’t ripen outside.

Day: 0

Tent is almost empty with one plant left. I’m blessed to have more than enough jars filled so think I’m gonna go for it.

2 years ago