

5. Im Zelt

27. Mai 2024


Black Cream Automatic (2.)

Day 22 (Week 4)


19 updates

37 photos

Day: 22

replaced her cause she started flowering alreadyđŸ„Č rip

3 months ago

Day: 18

atleast now doin something

3 months ago

Day: 16


3 months ago

Day: 16

at least

3 months ago

Day: 15

slowest mf ever

3 months ago

Day: 14

think i will just replace her

3 months ago


jamiespotstand Don’t. She’ll outgrow it. Th eh call reserve a chance. Give her a break my man! Throw a little nitrogen in there and some chicken shit and you’ll be good to go

Day: 13

slow ass

3 months ago

Day: 12


3 months ago

Day: 11


3 months ago

Day: 10


3 months ago

Day: 9


3 months ago

Day: 8


3 months ago

Day: 7


3 months ago

Day: 6


3 months ago

Day: 5

dont know why she so slow🙁

3 months ago

Jimbo Norman

Jimbo Norman Sometimes it’s environmental factors (watering, temp, rh, etc) sometimes it’s just the pheno

Day: 4

slow mf

3 months ago

Day: 3


3 months ago

Day: 2


3 months ago

Day: 1

Small girl

3 months ago