Do si woah
Test grow bag seed
Bag seed from Rythem Do si Woah
Photo hermi?
Day 33 (Week 5)
9 updates
9 photos
Day: 33

Not dead yet
5 years ago
fozzybear99 Hope it settles in soon and takes off. Ive read that clear cups/pots aren't good for roots because roots don't do well with light? 🤷♂️ Good luck tho!!
Day: 29

5 years ago
Day: 23

Transplanted due to gnats and stunted
5 years ago
Day: 16

Watered with 1/2 ro 1/2 filteted well water 1 gal. Sprinkled mosquito bits first and sprayed hydrogen peroxide. Also sticky traps to combat gnats
5 years ago
Wyatt-Terp Transplanted to cups to combat the gnats
Day: 14

Trimmed out yesterday and removed from cab, have used 3% peroxide a few times and mixed diotoamtios earth in soil including some soil amendments. Watered 1 gal 1/2 ro 1/2 well water with a cap of vinegar to 5.5 ph
5 years ago
Susanflorez How much are the marijuana plant marijuana plant
Day: 8

Watered 1 gal mixed ro/well with cap of vinegar maybe 5.5ph
5 years ago
Day: 6

Transplanted both seedlings into the 25 gal container and kept wet under a glass. Both are regular seed probably female from hermi bag seed but possibly a male from a cross polination.
5 years ago