hugo’s hurbs
My 3rd and 4th grows comind
Started about a week late but that’s fine
Hey everyone I’ve started this journal a week late but its fine, can you follow me along my 3rd and 4th grow so you can see my plants as they grow and perhaps give me some advise on things I might need to improve, what you think will help me grow them and just things you find worked well in your grows.😁😁 hope to hear from some poeple in the comments, thankyou
4 plants of “white Perl” and 7 plants that are unkown
Day 7 (Week 1)
1 update
1 photo
Day: 7

To start the conversation and friendly impressions ide like to ask if anyone can let me know what exactly is this and how it would of appeared😅😅 that would be great 👍
4 years ago
NovaCanee Was The Seed(Shell) Attached To That Same Leaf ?