
Exodus cheese auto x 2

Greenhouse seeds

2x exodus cheese, in pro mix organics, started germination with myke and transferred into pots with myke as well. kept under a mars hydro 480W reflector series light. Gonna be getting general hydroponics flora trio with golden tree as an additional supplement after 10+ days I’ve had exceptional starts with all my plants misting the soil with a diluted golden tree starter spray. Instead of messing with these I’m going to simply leave these be and go for a bit more height.

Exodus cheese

Day 115 (Week 17)

46 updates

169 photos

Day: 115

Been curing for a month and a half or so. Quite a good stone from this cheese

6 years ago

GiantBud Looks awesome! Nice grow.

Kballum Killer job man 👌 How much did you get from them?

SMEHTHESMEH 27 grams from two very quick autos.

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Day: 77


Pulled em out for pictures tonight

6 years ago

Day: 77

Pulled the one been flushing since 63 on this one. Other ones getting flushed longer, only snipped this because it was showing symptoms I didn’t want to transfer to the Bud. It was only a few leaves but she was fading fast and smelled like it was losing potency big time smell loss.

6 years ago

Day: 76

Getting red on the leaves. The bigger of the two plants is stressed, red stalks and branches. Leaves are fading fast to yellow, red on the edge of leaves. Other is doing fine The one that’s stressed doesn’t smell quite as strong anymore either

6 years ago

Day: 69


Got a lil trim tonight, getting rid of bad looking leaves and ones blocking buds.

6 years ago

Day: 67


Looking good. Hopefully ready in 85 days or so

6 years ago

Day: 64


Love these little plants. Very nice looking buds so far. Checked on the microscope today and they are all still clear as I presumed. Going to keep checking and once the trich’s start turning Amber I will begin flushing for two weeks.

6 years ago

Day: 58

Shaping up to be a solid grow.

6 years ago

Day: 57


Looking good

6 years ago

Day: 55

Super happy with how these ladies are taking off

6 years ago

Day: 52



6 years ago

Day: 51


Looking good.

6 years ago

Day: 48


Christmas update

6 years ago

Day: 45


6 years ago

Day: 43


So as you can see the critical cheese is crushing everything else in my room. I think I’ve figured this out and I’m quite sure for my autos it’s smaller buckets as these results speak for themselves vs the other auto berry Ryder beside it. Much easier to maintain and water, my berry beside it is a nightmare to water because it’s riding so low.

6 years ago

Joshin_yah That’s called genetics my good man ..

SMEHTHESMEH I’m learning haha. So much misinformation on the interweb haha🤣. Always heard poor things in forums about greenhouse seeds but wanted to try em because I don’t get cheese often and I dig their strain hunters show, seem like top notch growers and seed company to me.

Day: 39


Cruising along nicely!

6 years ago

Day: 38


Love seeing these girls grow, they are taking off. If these grow and I can get descent yields I’m going to be switching to this size of pot.

6 years ago

Day: 37

Looking killer

6 years ago

Day: 36


Flowering very nicely! Think she’s gonna be a beauty

6 years ago

Day: 33


Getting pretty leafy and not gonna cut any leaves off, simply a bit of bending so I can get some light to the middle of the branch budsites. Removed the tiny stuff on the bottom, really only two Bud sites close to the base. Other ones already growing in a way that’s letting every Bud site grab that light.

6 years ago

Day: 32


Looking very good. Since they haven’t got burned and I’ve been giving a similar dosing for a week now they are gonna get a bump in feeding tonight. Small but hopefully beneficial bump

6 years ago

Day: 31


Just cruising along. The 4 main tops and the for lower branch tops are stretching out nicely. She’s just entering pre flower with the “topped” plant and it has trained well for a nice canopy! the one that was smaller has beauty Lower branches that are about 12 inches long. Very excited to see these autos grow.

6 years ago

Day: 30


Looking good,the slower grower of the two is first into flower. The one that was topped more than once it still veggin but showing sex. No budding yet thankfully ! A group pic, these babies are the two in the back left.

6 years ago

Kpgnomad Looks promising

Day: 29


Looking great! Day 30 for these babies tomorrow.

6 years ago

Day: 28


Looking good. Even the one that’s bursting into flower.

6 years ago

Kpgnomad Looks healthy and big

SMEHTHESMEH Thank KP! Really hoping by day 30 they are back on track and stretch a tiny bit.

Day: 27

Ones preflowering and ones vegging still

6 years ago

Nubz420grower What do you use to tie down your stems? I use cushioned wires and attach them to the pot but this looks way better.

Day: 24

Same as before, ones killing it! The others growing. Two days after topping the two mains that were created from the original top. She is taking off again.

6 years ago

Day: 24

Woke up at like 4 am to my son being super awake. Put him back to sleep and went and spent some time in my box. I liked the way this plant has responded to topping so I decided to hit the lower tops that have been becoming prominent. So if she handles it well, 10 tops. Much better than 30+ tops and being next to impossible to manage. Lol especially on an auto, learned that lesson on the berry Ryder’s. Also I was so tired, have slept maybe 3 hours a night, fucked up on my ratios and for my flora trio I accidentally did a 3-2-1 ratio of 3bloom, 2micro, 1grow instead of reverse for vegetative growth. (Only one the smaller exodus cheese)And I noticed today upon closer inspection that this plant appears to be flower.... Jesus she’s short and not really moving, I now believe that’s the reason! They were growing at very different rates so I’ve been doing small watering at different times on both.

6 years ago

Day: 23


Looking very nice! Ones doing way better than the other. The big one is crushing it! Topping this baby doesn’t slow it down a bit. Exodus cheese auto may be my fav auto so far.

6 years ago

Day: 22


Since I have all other plants trained low and this plant is tall as all the other bent over plants I topped the two tops. I don’t want this baby getting to 5 feet tall. Seen a few grows of this strain got out of control tall

6 years ago

Day: 21


Looking fantastic! Very pleased with these seeds from greenhouse seeds

6 years ago

Day: 19


Looking great! Very happy with this strain even though people talk so much shit about greenhouse seeds

6 years ago

Day: 18


The one cheese handled a topping like it was nothing, literally one day recovery. Other on is the slow starter, as I’ve learned that can end up being my biggest producer lol.

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz Looking healthy bro, doing well.

Day: 17


Growing very nice, hardly missed a beat even after fim cutting the top.

6 years ago

Day: 16


Updating after fimming 2 days ago.

6 years ago

Day: 15


Looking real nice!

6 years ago

Day: 14


I know they are short but it’s because my lights are strong af lol. Fimmed these ones at day 14 because I’ve seen nothing but 5 footers for exodus cheese autos. Only fimming the top once.

6 years ago

Day: 11



6 years ago

Day: 10

Gonna start nutrients after day 15

6 years ago

Day: 9

The cheese are looking good

6 years ago

Day: 8

Here we go!

6 years ago

Day: 6

Taller one looks like it got burned from some water, growing much lankier early but it’s fine, using the old straw around it atm this evening so it doesn’t flop over on me. Small one is looking great.

6 years ago

Day: 4


Looking good, going to start watering instead of spraying the soil. So I can try to keep the middle moist.

6 years ago

Day: 3

Growing. Taller seedling 1.5” tall Shorter gal 1” So right now I have about half inch at least of growth per day. Going to let this lank out a bit because I went overboard in my previous fim shenanigans.

6 years ago

Sirsmokesalot Just dropped a few GSC,gg,bcn critical xxl,fast and vast. First attempt autos. Actually second attempt first was a definitely a failure, only a few survived germination and I was curing chemberry d and smoking some of it,not a good plan. The autos ended up on a 12 12. And they look ok. Will post a pic of the test auto on 12 12

SMEHTHESMEH Yes, I liked you chemistry grow! One of the most interesting grows I’ve seen on here thus far. Thanks for following and can’t wait to see your updates. It’s nice being able to follow others in their tents.

SMEHTHESMEH Chemberry. Got me again auto correct!

Day: 2


One is 1.5” tall and one is just under 1”. Obviously the first out of the shell gets the most sun. Off to a great start! As you can tell by my other plants, I’m using much smaller containers, lol. Tallest seedling 1” smaller gal 1/2”

6 years ago

Day: 1


Since they need the humidity I do not wanna remove the cups. One in the front is taller but still has the shell casing on partially. One in the back is already out of its shell. Quickest exit from a shell I’ve seen to date.

6 years ago