Milky Way
4th round
Peat pellet -> shot glass w/ cup -> 5G fabric once root emerged; FF Seedling starter + recycled hot soil on bottom 1/3. Did not pre water soil
Galaxy Brain
Day 57 (Week 9)
33 updates
55 photos
Day: 57
topped with worm casting
4 years ago
Day: 48
Microbial tea then plain water
4 years ago
Day: 45
Replaced top inch of soil for gnats.
4 years ago
Day: 42
Nute burn it seems like. :/
4 years ago
Day: 40
Neem oil the other day. Watered today with molasses
4 years ago
Day: 36
4 years ago
Day: 35
CannGuard this AM. Microbial tea yesterday.
4 years ago
Day: 33
4 years ago
Day: 32
Lol she looks so bare. Cleared up some bottom fan leaves, tied down branches, and clipped the most thrip-damaged fan leaves from plant. Last night sprayed with Mammoth Canncontrol for the thrips
4 years ago
Day: 31
Thrips driving me crazy
4 years ago
IGrowHowIGrow Too much light and too many nutes.
Trinidaddy You’d think, but these are signs of thrips infestation. I don’t water with nutes often enough for it to be nute burn. But could be too much light. But thrips have same symptoms
IGrowHowIGrow Looks like you’re using soil, 3g-5g pots of soil, that’s plenty of nutes already... then you add nutes “not often”, but your still adding. -Toxicity By you using the blue sticky cards, I can tell you’re over watering, because the bugs your trying to catch are attracted to moist environments... so, the more you plain water them, the more you feed the tons of nutes already in the pot- Toxicity/bugs This is probably you’re tallest plant in the tent, which means closer to the light, I can tell by the folded up edges on the top leaves. To much light/heat makes her want to drink more... which means more nutes she’s taking up. -Toxicity/Light/heat/stress I don’t use those “bs” temp monitors (I say “bs” because 2 of the same monitors will read different in the same area) but if I did... 83f with 49rh seems on the dry hot environment side. Which further explains the above. Advice: less watering - ppm check the soil run off and don’t feed until 800ppm - if your using LED put it at the top of the tent - add air circulation... and whatever you want to call the problem lol, it will leave. Happy gardening!
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Day: 30
Gave her some beneficial nematodes at like 4am to help her out with the thrips First pic is a diff plant, her big sis. Whoops
4 years ago
dale2216 Nematodes are some amazing stuff
Trinidaddy I hope so I need their help
dale2216 Its not a one time fix tho, needs to be fed from beginning to end , once a month , as preventative, not to eradicate ,
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Day: 29
4 years ago
⚖️Golden Ratio 🧬 Nada is also something 🧐
Trinidaddy Lol fortunately I didn’t have to do anything to it
Day: 28
Neem oiled it
4 years ago
Day: 27
She’s catching up to her older sister. Unfortunately showing signs of thrips on top I believe. Or maybe heat stress
4 years ago
Day: 26
Sprayed with Neem oil 30mn before lights came on them kept them all at edges of the tent for less light
4 years ago
Day: 25
4 years ago
Day: 23
4 years ago
Day: 20
4 years ago
Day: 19
Reduced vivosun led to 75%
4 years ago
Day: 18
4 years ago
Day: 17
Changed the mulch to hardwood chips and sprayed top of soil with Neem oil
4 years ago
Day: 16
Looks thirsty but soil still damp; decided to water w/ Top Max
4 years ago
Mystrain420 You should start checking the weight of the pot to determine watering times, also watering in a circle around the pot avoiding the base of the stem will make her grow fast and bigger. 👍🏾
Trinidaddy It’s so tough sometimes with the pots, because they’ll be really heavy, but ready to rewater. So I second guess myself. I do what you said (watering more heavily close to the rims) between full waterings to keep the top moist... and I think that’s why my “finger in soil test” is a stupid fuq test 😭 thank you for your help
Mystrain420 No problem. Another tip to consider is starting is cups or small pots because you can water/feed more without wasting water and they’ll grow faster with a better root structure 👍🏾
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Day: 15
Rabbit tea yesterday
4 years ago
Day: 14
4 years ago
Day: 13
Rabbit tea yesterday
4 years ago
Day: 12
Nice growth. Still needs more K
4 years ago
Day: 11
Fan fell on this chic. She’s in crutches now. 1 liter of rabbit poop tea
4 years ago
Day: 10
A little water with molasses amd top max
4 years ago
Day: 8
Did nothing besides try to control the heat. 79-82. Bought an AC, put on veg side. Working a little. The house AC was also broke. Wondering if carb filter works properly.
4 years ago
Day: 6
Felix tea!
4 years ago
Day: 5
Added more soil at base for stability
4 years ago