Sugar Mama Auto - Advanced Female Seeds

Second outdoor attempt - July 2024

Outdoor plant attempt #2. -Got off the ground real good 🥳 so good so far which is further than outdoor #1 but… -Then the slugs attacked ‼️ -She was left with her main stem, 6/7 small leaves and 2.5 large leaves and a half chomped top 😬 -Left her be and added protection against pests (no insecticide etc.) not much hope at this point🛡️ -And then she pulled through. Quite late flowering but seems aggressive so hopefully she’ll pull through just in time for the cold weather 🤞

Sugar Mama Auto

Day 61 (Week 9)


7 updates

16 photos

Day: 61

Life’s been kicking my ass and this plants 😆 went away for a week and found it chomped to pieces when I came back. She wasn’t doing too good but she’s sprung back into it and bounced into flower now. Happy I didn’t call it quits 💯 slowly ramping up nute levels to the doses we should be at and we’re not far off there 🥳 Gonna go through my photos and see what I’ve got hidden away to give this a quick “time-lapse” post 👀

3 days ago

Day: 15


2 months ago

Day: 12

🪴🪴 4 days since breaking the surface Hoping for rain this evening so she can get some of that 🌧️

2 months ago


supremdoodl Looking good man, what’s your setup, on day 12 as well


ADZ Yo man thanks 🙏 this one’s outdoors, overnighted under cover for now and then spends its days taking in all the rays, compost was from a friend. No hidden features with this one just nature 🌱 plain watered every couple of days at the moment


ADZ Soaked in water for 24 hours then straight into the 3 gal pot

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Day: 9

Think we’re safe to say we’re okay🤞

2 months ago

Day: 8

And now we’re here 🥳 with a bit of luck this outdoor run should make it past this stage 😂🤌

2 months ago


ADZ By this evening she’d stood up and shown her first fingers 🌱

Day: 2

Popped in on day 2. Skipped the perlite and vermiculite with this one and used a mix acquired locally to me via work 🪴

2 months ago

Day: 1

Cracked after 24 hours 🫡

2 months ago