

Amnesia Haze and Blueberry

First indoor Soil grow

One Amnesia Haze and one Blueberry bought from Frost Pines dispensary in Broken Bow, Oklahoma. Age uncertain between 2 and 4 weeks. I have repotted both plants in 5 gallon buckets w/drain holes about 3” of bottom is rock with the rest being an organic potting mix. Using a 4x4x6 tent with 1000w led light

Amnesia haze & Blueberry

Day 170 (Week 25)

9 updates

44 photos

Day: 170


Just a little bit longer

4 years ago

Day: 157


5 to 7 more weeks

4 years ago


siprico73 5-7 weeks left in flower. Trichomes forming good

Day: 139


2weeks into 12/12 cycle, Foxfarm bloom and flower nutes every watering

4 years ago

Day: 100

16/6 cycle seaweed spray fox farm veg nutes

4 years ago

Day: 69


16/6 cycle seaweed spray, fox farm veg nutes every water

4 years ago


Siprico73 Oh yeah also repotted from 5 gal to 10 gal

Day: 11

This plant is currently 14” tall on a 24/0 light cycle

5 years ago

Day: 11

This plant is currently 11” tall on a 24/0 light cycle

5 years ago

Day: 1

This plant is 10” tall and has just been repotted from dispensary pot. Starting 24/0 light cycle at home.

5 years ago

Day: 1

This plant is 9” tall and has just been repotted from dispensary pot. Starting 24/0 light cycle at home.

5 years ago