
Mexican sativa regular seed oh no a boy

First photo grow regular seed

Been growing this one a while, it’s a regular seed so I have no idea if it’s a female yet. Just putting it into flower now, I want to see what sex it is before I repott it and I have to be careful it doesn’t impregnate my other plants so checking it carefully several times a day. God to bed in a separate room at night as other plants are autos and need more light.

Mexican sativa, sensi seeds regular

Day 54 (Week 8)

5 updates

5 photos

Day: 54

Dunno why I’m letting him live, friends advising against making seed but we will see

6 years ago

Day: 41

Unfortunately, I think those are little pollen sacs and we have a boy! Gutted, put it out on the balcony away from my other plants, dunno if I should keep it and sprout some more Sativa seeds and then make some seeds so I have a bunch or what to do blah. Well that sounds like a plan, not doing much with it now in can stay in the soil it’s in and hang around on the balcony outside

6 years ago

Day: 39

Waiting for sex to show then will repott if we have a girl under 450w led now

6 years ago

Day: 37

Going to bed for twelve hours a night, still not showing sex yet fingers crossed for a girl. On bio bizz grow nutes

7 years ago

Day: 35

Plant is 8inches tall, going to bed every night to put into flower

7 years ago