a Joe grow

a Joe grow

Fast berry by: fast buz

7 days old

Under 100w lights

fast berry auto

Day 87 (Week 13)


41 updates

101 photos

Day: 87


a year ago

Day: 82

My trim was a rush job she is curing for another week

a year ago

Day: 81


Still planning to harvest on day 100-110

a year ago


Scoo_B Pic #3 IMO shows trichome coloration the best.

Day: 75


a year ago

Day: 74



a year ago


Devanguy56288 Looks good! 👍

Joey weed seed

Joey weed seed She is a bit airy because of some Bugs early in the grow

Day: 74

Plenty of time left

a year ago

Day: 63


Is chopped

a year ago

Day: 62



a year ago

Day: 62


I’m thinking another 3-8 days

a year ago

Joey weed seed

Joey weed seed She is barely drinking

Day: 58

2-7 days left

a year ago


shiz I’d try and push this one a little longer wait tell those hairs all turn colour and start to shrink into the bud I’d try and push it for about 10 days maybe more depending on what she shows also try just water and bud candy or some sort of molasses for the finish helps with the flavour good luck man

Joey weed seed

Joey weed seed I got black strap 👍

Joey weed seed

Joey weed seed It’ll also serve as food for your mycology

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Day: 57


3-13 days left

a year ago

Day: 55


a year ago


Happy420 Very nice 🔥🔥🔥

Joey weed seed

Joey weed seed Thanks g. Hope it smokes as good as it looks

Day: 53


She’s not perfect, but she’s safe from bugs now ☺️

a year ago

Day: 52


Harvested this one early. It was my 1st outdoor

a year ago


SaviiBuds How long was she outside? Why did you chop so early bro 🙈 she didn’t even have a chance to grow up. Patience is your friend when you’re growing and the hardest part sometimes.


SaviiBuds That sucks. Looks like more leaf than bud there. I’d throw her in the compost pile and start over. The high you get off of that is going to be terrible, if it gets you high at all. Clean the shit out of your tent and all the equipment in there before you try again so you don’t keep running into the same issue

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Day: 49


I moved this one outside a few days ago just incase. She seems ok

a year ago


BoofCity Just put them all outside just in case.

Joe’s basement boof

Joe’s basement boof I have a lot of horn worms where I live sadly

Day: 49


Small bud

a year ago

Day: 45

15 days left

a year ago


agendercannabis 15 days until what? it looks like theres a calcium deficiency from what i can tell

Joe’s basement boof

Joe’s basement boof I’m afraid you’re completely wrong


agendercannabis what would cause the spotting then?

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Day: 44



a year ago

Day: 41

These girls have bugs 😓. Somehow the bud hasn’t been effected much

a year ago


Caliban Sorry man. Looks pretty far gone. Use a flame thrower.


organic_grower I agree that bud will be in smokable by the time it's done..🪓

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Day: 40


Approximately 20 days till harvest

a year ago

Day: 39

Started treatment with captain Jack dead bugs still treating with flower shield

a year ago

Day: 38


a year ago

Day: 37

Still treating bugs.

a year ago

Day: 37

Treating with flower shield by Humboldt

a year ago

Day: 36

Color coming in nice

a year ago

d16z6vtec Fast buds reliable ?

Joe’s basement boof

Joe’s basement boof Not sure This is my first time growing from them, but tons of ppl on this app have this specific strain. Definitely one of there best sellers

Day: 36

Structure coming together

a year ago

Day: 36


More pics

a year ago

Day: 33

I think she’ll be ok

a year ago

Day: 33

Purple coming out

a year ago

Day: 33

Lil purple on this one

a year ago

Day: 31

Lookin better

a year ago

Day: 29

💦 150ppm cal/mag, seaweed, myco

a year ago


zer0applied Cal mag deficiency? Bugs?

Joe’s basement boof

Joe’s basement boof Had bugs very early in the grow, they gone now

Joe’s basement boof

Joe’s basement boof If anything cal/mag excess

Day: 27

She’s hitting flower a bit too early for me, but I’m seeing purple for my first time!!!

a year ago

Day: 26

Topped on 7 leaves, nearly 2ft tall!

a year ago

Day: 21

A bit too wet I think

a year ago

Day: 19

Didn’t have a light timer for this setup until now. Straight up had them on 24/7 now I have them on 18/6 humidity is at 70% temp is going strong at 78. Just gave her some feather meal, bone meal, oyster shells, epsom salt, recharge/mammoth p

a year ago

Day: 14

Small bug damage but we chill in now

a year ago

Day: 9

One of these w be my clone mother. The front one is being held up by a bamboo stake the one in the back fell over, but rose back up without help

a year ago


BINAII Bro, these are autoflowers?


BINAII What you mean, “clone mother?”

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Day: 9

Just hit 5 leaves! Both doing great

a year ago

Day: 7

Autos going well, lil bendy

a year ago

Day: 6

Auto, fast berry by fast buz

a year ago