White widow autofower
fox farm organics
2 white widows auto flowers and a bag seed.
1gallon and 2 gallon pot
Day 30 (Week 5)
2 updates
9 photos
Day: 30

I’m kinda confused. Reaching day 30 maybe a little bit over but plants are still small. Fed no nutrients yet. Using fox farm nutrients and fox farm ocean forest. These are white widow auto flowers so according to seedsman they should be starting flowering anyday but they look like they’re taking their time. I may have been sent photoperiods tho. They have been on a 24 hour light schedule. So I will switch over to 18/6 for a week then provide nutrients and force into 12/12 to see what happens. Again first grow. I’m planning on switching to hydro anyway just wanted this experiment first.
4 years ago
cooney Plant is too small for anything let it grow might need more light urs looks purple ..
Day: 3

Plants have been under a 20/4 light cycle. My first time growing. I threw in the bag seed just because. I’ll take it out of its mail
4 years ago
THEbudconnoisseur 3 plants all together. 2 white widow from seeds man. And the bag seed
THEbudconnoisseur They just sprouted barely noticeable. Will update in a week.