
5x5 RDWC

Summer 2021

5x5 rdwc system. Green planet hydro fuel 4pt nutrients gorilla 1000w hid fixture with cultilux 1000 DE cmh lamp with gsi-1 controller. Bluelab guardian monitor for res. Also running 1/4hr chiller.

Durban poison & Purple Ku$h

Day 53 (Week 8)

7 updates

44 photos

Day: 53


Week 5

3 years ago

Day: 43


Just starting week 4 in flower and the lady’s are super happy!!

3 years ago


badcoffeegardens Looks great bro also burzum rules. I just started my first rdwc, I’ll be following along.

burzum Hell yea man Hails 🤘 I love rdwc. If you have any questions at all please feel free to ask if need be I’m more than willing to share knowledge

Day: 32


Week 2 flower. Starting to fill out the first layer well

4 years ago

Day: 24


Decided to push them over since most at at about 16”. Just weaving away 😁 switched over to my DE hps running at 825w. Temps 78 Rh 60-62% water @ 68 degrees. 2.0 EC 5.8 ph these lady’s are happy happy happy 😃

4 years ago


locker105 Nice man those are some healthy plants

Day: 15

Start of week 3 in veg pushing the EC to 2.3 (1.9 last week and it didn’t phase them) temperature at 80 with 50-55% Rh. Water temp at 68 phd to 5.8

4 years ago

Day: 6


Loving their new homes

4 years ago

Day: 1


21 days since germination

4 years ago