
California Orange

Fall 2019 indoor

Premium potting soul + perlite

California Orange

Day 138 (Week 20)

24 updates

24 photos

Day: 138

Buds are getting thicker. 1/3 of pistols are browning

5 years ago

Day: 138

Pistols 1/3 brown

5 years ago

Day: 138

4ft tall

5 years ago

Day: 124

Buds are getting denser.

5 years ago

Day: 124

Crown bud

5 years ago

Day: 113

Bud areas are getting more thick

5 years ago

Day: 113

4ft tall

5 years ago

Day: 106

Colas on the main branch are getting more dense

5 years ago

Day: 106

Buds are growing at more sites

5 years ago

Day: 97

4’ tall. 12-12 light cycle. Flowering

5 years ago

Day: 97

Flowering site on crown

5 years ago

Day: 87

Plant has stayed abt 4’ tall. Small buds seem to be sprouting. Lights changed to 12/12

5 years ago

Day: 87

Closer look at bud sites

5 years ago

Day: 87

Top side of plant. Height has outgrown the positioning of lights

5 years ago

Day: 69

Still on 16 hr light cycle and continues to grow taller. Abt 3.5’ tall

5 years ago

Day: 57

Leaves are vibrantly green. Breaches are starting to really flush out. Height is maintained at 3’

5 years ago

Day: 51

Plant is growing extremely tall. 2ft. All leaves still green

5 years ago

Day: 43

Plant is growing extremely fast. 2 ft tall

5 years ago

Day: 38

Vibrant green. 16” tall.

5 years ago

Day: 29

About 7” tall. Under 16hr white light

5 years ago

Day: 24

Leaves are coming in very full. 4” tall. Switched to 16hr white lights

5 years ago

Day: 17

3 inches tall. 16 hr purple lights

5 years ago

Day: 9

2 inches tall. Under purple blue germination lights on 9 hr cycles

5 years ago

Day: 2

Plant is just poking out of soil after 1 week of germination. 1” tall

5 years ago