N.lights, M.Dick, Blueberry auto - LST
Winter 2020
1 nothern lights auto 1 mobby dick auto 1 blueberry auto In a 2x11 liters and 1x7 fabric pot with 60x60 cm secret jardin dr60 growtent. I Mixed “biobizz all mix” and “light mix” equally and will follow the “light mix schedule” I will go just biobizz nutritions include (root juice, grow, bloom, acti vera, alga mic, top max, cal mag, ph down. Light: 1x Marshydro TS1000 Water ph: between 6.2-6.5
Blueberry, Nothern Lights, Mobby Dick
Day 101 (Week 15)
39 updates
129 photos
Day: 101
Hell the over
4 years ago
bigreds_grows Have you tried them yet? If so any favorites. I’m thinking about getting mobby with my next round of seeds because I see a lot of growers on here with it
galaxy All of them has differently taste so no the best
galaxy But you should give a chance to mobby dick beo
Day: 87
Finally they in the jar :)
4 years ago
Day: 75
Hehehehe 132 gr for blueberry 131 gr for mobby dick
4 years ago
Day: 75
I will go with dry trimming
4 years ago
Day: 72
This is the last day for them under the marshydro ts1000 led. Most of the trichomes started to have a amber brownish Looking so the best time is these days!
4 years ago
Day: 69
They are flushed and will be harvested
4 years ago
Day: 69
Some banches are like a huge dick :) Mobby dick looks won the battle
4 years ago
Day: 68
Flushed them out!
4 years ago
Day: 67
Most of them look cloud
4 years ago
Day: 65
The last week of nut on monday i will start to flush
4 years ago
Day: 61
After 1 week holiday i was thinking that I probably would see the plants underwater stress but they were really doing well. So i just came home and will water them with 8. Week
4 years ago
Day: 53
All of them are great! İ solved the nitrogen problem by flushing of blueberry. Watered every one of them with 1 liter of mixed biobizz 7. Week light mix nutrient schedule.
4 years ago
Day: 51
Watered them in 7. Week nut schedule and now they ok
4 years ago
Day: 49
İ have some problems with blueberry so i flushed because i searched on the web and suspect of Nitrogen toxicity. Hope it will okay
4 years ago
Day: 49
Finally flush worked. And my blueberry baby finally break to be stunted
4 years ago
Day: 48
Mobby dick is just on the flower stage the others started buds out
4 years ago
Day: 46
They look awesome ! Especially mobby dick is like a real ganja plants! Watered
4 years ago
Day: 46
Good morning coffee with my girls
4 years ago
Day: 45
Mobby dicks’ leaves were pointing down so i devided my 2 liters of nut to 2 period of time and applied the second part. So we will see
4 years ago
Day: 42
6. Week of nut watered with. They looks stop growing but I’m trying to be sure if it s because cycle or any problem so i will give them 2 liters of water slowly.
4 years ago
Day: 40
Soil was still wet so i will wait for a few days.
4 years ago
Day: 37
Followed fiftieth week of the schedule of the biobizz added 0.5 ml cal mag to 2 liters of all the nut mix. Transplanted mobby dick and blueberry strains to 11 liters of fabric pot. But didn’t do it for the nothern lights to test the effectiveness of bad drainage soil and small pot on yield. %65 humidity and 25 Celsius (77F) temperature. I spoiled all two liters for 3 plants.
4 years ago
Day: 35
Mobby dick goes crazy! N.lights as well but blueberry is shorty i dont know why but hope because of genetic 😭
4 years ago
Day: 34
1 liter of water for 3 pots spoiled by 4 week schedule. Added cal mag. Applied second LST for small branches after just bended top
4 years ago
CrisCo91 Nice 👍 I went and bought some clips from DG only a dollar for a pack of 6 I got two of them , it doesn’t bend the sides of the pot nearly as bad and they are super strong Just trying to help! Wanna get that light everywhere
galaxy I just used some thumbtacks and white rope where i found in my office to fasten. Maybe i can buy a special tools for the next time but I don’t think i need it because it fix it ;)
CrisCo91 No not at all bro U don’t need to fix anything If it works then it works period lol I’m growing in a wardrobe box from Home Depot lol If it works it works
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Day: 32
Changed their room and went for LST
4 years ago
Day: 28
I had repotted the nothern lights into a standard soil which has a reall bad drainage but it goes fastest and healthier than others :) sprayed 30 times
4 years ago
mystrain420 Most standard soil has slow release nutrients. Mostly nitrogen, that might come back to bite u during flower when they need less nitrogen but hopefully not. Good luck they look nice 👍🏾
galaxy Thank you for interest. I thought the same think and flushed before repotted my plant with tons of water. I hope it work
Day: 26
Today i closed the fans and when i came back the room was melting!! İt was super moisture but, leaves were pointing straight up! And was looking super healthy. I think i found the these leaves were pointing down as in the picture. But i shouldn’t increase the humidity because of my other about to harvest plants. I flashed them and wait for last week. And today i watered my new babies
4 years ago
Day: 25
Leaves are pointing down and second two leaves of n.lights’ curled probably because of humidity but i have to adjust to %45 the machine for my other two ready to harvest plants
4 years ago
Day: 24
Followed second weed of light mix schedule of biobizz schedule for 30 sprays
4 years ago
Day: 22
Mobby dick goes crazy fast
4 years ago
Day: 20
I repotted my n.lights girl to new 7 liters filled with cheap drainage free soil probably i will have some root rot problems but i don’t care too much because i already have two n.lights girls in 11 liters of pot ready to harvest soon. Lets see whats gonna happen :)
4 years ago
Day: 19
Watered with the same mix has just over
4 years ago
Day: 17
Sprayed 40 times %50 moisture
4 years ago
Day: 16
İ switched off the moisture machine because i saw i cantipede in my grow tent
4 years ago
Day: 14
Watered with “biobizz root juice, bio heaven and acti vera” 20 sprays
4 years ago
Day: 14
No difference the same procedures
4 years ago
Day: 13
No difference. Moisture %55 because of other mature plants
4 years ago
Day: 12
18/6 hourse and %55 moisture
4 years ago
Day: 1
I have only 1 grow tent that i have been already growing 2 nothern lights in 11 liters fabric pot in it for 1 months. 10 days ago my new mobby dick and blueberry autoflower seeds arrived and i decided to germinate them 1x m.dick 1x n.lights and 1x blueberry together in a 7 liters pot in the same tent. I used jeff cubes to germinate and watered once with boiled and cooled water and put them on the surface of the grow light to keep seeds warm. I went holiday for 10 days and when i came back all of seeds had germinated.
4 years ago