
Jack Herer Auto

Aug 17 2019

Cousin went to Cannacon in April 2019 and was given seeds. She gave them to me and I decided to give it a try.

Jack Herer

Day 9 (Week 2)

4 updates

11 photos

Day: 9

Still giving just sprays of RO water daily. Hubby moved them a little closer to the light. Plant 1 still looks better than 2.

5 years ago

Day: 7

The two are sprouting. Plant 1 & 2. 1 looks better.

5 years ago

Day: 6

Kept seeds in wet paper towels in cool dark spot. 2 popped one has little bitty root showing. Planted but failed to take a picture of them that day in their new homes. Two were planted in small pots and the other three we put in the blocks we use to root clones.

5 years ago

Day: 0


Put seeds in glass of water yesterday, kept in cool, dark spot in bathroom and about 24 hours later all five sunk. Now have in a wet paper towels on a plate in the same spot.

6 years ago

FayeW Two of five seeds popped a third one had a little bitty root almost a week later. Kept in cool dark place on wet paper towels until planting day, which was Sat. Aug. 24th.

FayeW Figured out I was updating wrong. Now I don’t know how to delete the duplicate pictures and comments.