Blackout OG
5 weeks of veg
Growing under mars hydro ts500
Blackout OG
Day 37 (Week 6)
6 updates
18 photos
Day: 37
She came in nice and bushy. There’s still quite a bit of spider mites but I think now that I have more of the inner areas of the plant exposed I’ll be able to reach it with the neem oil. Lights are on 12/12. (5 weeks of veg)
3 years ago
Caliban Try green cleaner too. I find it takes multiple different treatments. Good luck!!
Day: 36
I haven’t been as engaged with my grow as my last one. I’m on week 5 now. I’m thinking I need to switch to flower.
3 years ago
kushqween Want to note that overall the color is a nice green but I can still see a lot of yellowing. I am thinking possibly nitrogen deficiency? I have seeweed. There’s still some spider mites. I think I’ll wash the foliage this weekend. Would love to hear recommendations. I’m winging this grow quite a bit just based on my last grow.
ztallman1999 Oh wow that’s beautiful
Day: 23
I think we are out of the transplant shock. I’m seeing growth. 
3 years ago
Day: 12
Fed nutes for the first time yesterday. This one also looks a bit bright in the leaves. To my knowledge these are clones and they hadn’t been given nutes yet, they were said to be a few weeks old.
3 years ago
kushqween I was sure my nutes had plenty of nitrogen; I think that is the deficiency causing the coloring on both.
Day: 10
This girl had spider mites real bad, so I snipped the top off where they were the worst. I decided I’d try to clone it and get rid of them. We’ll see how it goes. Same transplant process as the other one.
3 years ago
Day: 2
What’s up everyone I am back with my second grow here. I picked this photo up from a local grower. She said the mother plant was an outdoor plant and i grow indoor so we will see how that goes. Upon arrival it appears to have a mild spider mite infestation and or possibly nutrient deficiencies. I can see little spots on some of the leaves and the lower leaves are drying up. She had said that she hadn’t watered them in quite some time so I watered it yesterday when I got it. I plan to repot this weekend.  
3 years ago