
Money Maker outdoor grow

Guerilla grow UK

4 Strain Hunters Money Maker plants grown outdoor guérilla style in the UK. This is my grow from start to finish (not finished yet but will keep updating as we go)

Money Maker

Day 97 (Week 14)

12 updates

29 photos

Day: 97


Flowering really nicely now but I’m starting to worry about mold if this rain persists.

6 years ago

Day: 91


6 years ago

Day: 88


Really starting to flower nicely now 😬

6 years ago

Day: 85


Flowering in full swing now! Looking lovely and healthy.

6 years ago

Day: 85

Here’s a close up of the biggest lady in the garden. Lots of lovely flowers starting to form now.

6 years ago

Day: 83

So I’ve given the ladies their first haircut of the grow, this is what I took off of only one plant (my second biggest, I seem to have 3 different phenotypes from the same batch of seeds, nevertheless they’re all growing along nicely so can’t complain)

7 years ago

Day: 83

This is the lady who’s leaves were in the pot in the last photo, as you can see she’s not massive but that’s because I left it very late to germinate this year (normally I would start mid April). Not to worry though because these girls are only for personal use and free weed is always tastier! We’ve got some lovely branch structures and I can count about 9 big stalks which hopefully will all fill out with big sticky buds in the next few weeks 🤞🏻

7 years ago

Day: 79

Just as we predicted 2 days ago we’ve got our first pre flowers forming! I’m going to go ahead and change up the nutrients now from nitrogen heavy to a more balanced phosphorus and phosphate mixture, you could go and buy specialist cannabis nutes but I live on a small island and delivery can take weeks. So because of my lack of pre planning I’m just going to use tomato feed as the plants are structurally very similar. Fingers cross d the sun keeps on shining!🤞🏻

7 years ago

Day: 77

It’s been 10 days since my last post on here, we’ve got some awesome growth going on, I can’t wait to see what happens over the next few weeks as it’s about the time of year that we should start seeing some pre flowers.

7 years ago

Day: 67

Ok so since we replanted and began to give these lovely girls a little helping hand in the form of nutrients they have explosively grown in only a week! We’re starting to see some nice branch structure now, just hoping they can get to a fairly decent size before the days get too short and flowering begins 😬

7 years ago

Day: 60

I only recently replanted them out of their restrictive pots, and since I did what a difference! We’ve been blessed with over average sunshine so far but I can’t help but feel they’re lagging behind my previous grows (I germinated 60 days ago which is very late for me) it’s time to start feeding them up with nutrients now!

7 years ago

Day: 30

This is my girls 30 days from germination 14th July 2018

7 years ago