

California dream

Indoor winter grow

Cali dream seed set in pot to germinate. At 10pm

California dream

Day 165 (Week 24)

26 updates

101 photos

Day: 165

Finally done and in jars, finished with 78g

3 years ago


Godsproblem 👍🏽


adamsgrow Thank you, your plants are looking good and healthy also

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Day: 159


Just cut down to dry today. Ready for the final trim and weight

3 years ago

Day: 146


Some of the first harvest, been curing for about a week

4 years ago

youngkinggreen That’s a bad trim job


adamsgrow That’s cool, it’s just a small amount that is still curing. No reason to cut every little bit off, not looking for pristine buds to the look dude. I’m not a snob for how they look, I’m not growing to sell. Covered in trichomes no need to remove. 


IllusionalDazle Looks fucking awesome 😎💪🏼🌱

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Day: 143


Coming along nicely, at 10 weeks of flower. Buds filling out well and starting to change color some, probably will be putting in the dark in a week or so.

4 years ago


vukz Looking good man. Frosty 🥶


adamsgrow @vukz thank you, I’m excited for her to finish

Day: 124


Loving how she’s turning out, filling in nicely. Smells amazing by herself but the tent is on another level.

4 years ago


vukz Nice work 👍🏻


adamsgrow Thank you @vukz

Day: 112


Coming along very well. Stacking up them buds. Super happy how she’s turning out

4 years ago


Mystrain420 Looks great 👍🏾


adamsgrow Thank you Mystrain420


DannyPH Nice!

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Day: 100


Very happy how she’s turning out. Filling in great. Watered with ILGM flower nutrients

4 years ago


TwoScoops152 Nice work


adamsgrow Thank you TwoScoops152


bigbuds1986 I don’t get how it fits in the tent it looks like it takes up all of it from this picture 😂

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Day: 91

Coming along very well for my very first plant ever. Watered today with ILGM flowering and plant boost nutrients.

4 years ago


bigbuds1986 She’s so pretty! Love how she lookin


adamsgrow Thank you Troy-Farms and bigbuds1986, at least I’ve got one plant that has really produced so far out of the plants.


bigbuds1986 That granddaddy purp isn’t looking bad ether 😳

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Day: 77


Gave her a trimming, growing pretty well so far. On day 5 of flowering

4 years ago


TwoScoops152 Looking good!!


bigbuds1986 If only every plan to tent just looked like this one 😭😭


adamsgrow Thank you twoscoops152. Oh I know bigbuds1986, we will figure it out

Day: 71

Trimmed her up a bit down low and watered today. She is starting to show signs of flowering, will be giving her 1 or 2 more days before I switch to flowering.

4 years ago


bigbuds1986 She’s looking so good! I’m so excited for flower!

Day: 63


Removed the stakes holding her down, excited to see how she grows now.

4 years ago


NovaCanee You trained them really well nice bro


bigbuds1986 Absolutely beautiful


adamsgrow Thanks guys

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Day: 54

Growing very well, trimmed her up and transplanted to a 5 gal pot with fox farm ocean forest soil.

4 years ago

Day: 51

Removed some leaves to open up more for more bud sites.

4 years ago


kushqween What kinda tie down is that?? Does it hook into the soil underneath or is it heavy enough to set in there ??


adamsgrow They are just 6” gardening stakes


adamsgrow They just push into the dirt

Day: 48


Removed some lower leaves yesterday and rearranged stakes for LST.

4 years ago


bigbuds1986 She’s looking so good!


adamsgrow Thank you

Day: 44


Pulled top two main branches down for some lst

4 years ago

Day: 41


Went ahead and trimmed some leaves that where down low and started LST.

4 years ago


bigbuds1986 She’s lookin so much better now days

Day: 33


Watered today with just ph adjusted water. Wrapped up the top set of leaves to allow more light to hit lower branches. Went ahead and topped at the 4th node.

4 years ago

Day: 27

Growing slowly. Should I leave the low set of small branches or should I remove them? All helpful suggestions welcome.

4 years ago


TwoScoops152 Are you going to top?


adamsgrow After thinking about I will be topping it


TwoScoops152 How many nodes on her now?

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Day: 24


Just an update. Still growing slow but newest set of leaves are starting to curl. Don’t know why, gave her some growtime fertilizer from ILGM 2 days ago. Any information for help is welcome.

4 years ago

Day: 22


Watered this morning. Slowly growing. Any and all suggestions for improvement are welcome.

4 years ago

Day: 18


Just watered after 4 days letting her sit after giving her to much water. Gown a good amount in the past 4 days. Dimmed light a little to help her grow upwards some more. Any and all tips are welcome.

4 years ago


TwoScoops152 She is growin like a weed now 😁


adamsgrow Thank you p

Day: 15


Only been 1 day since last update but it seems to be looking better besides the lower set of leaves. Inner leaves have grown a decent amount in 24 hours.

4 years ago


TwoScoops152 Yeah she does look better


adamsgrow Thank you

Day: 14


Going more leaves but haven’t been able to do anything about the first ones drooping. Watering today. Any tips are welcome, first plant ever.

4 years ago


Prodigy It doesn’t look dry, Im thinking it could be from Over watering which is common for new growers.

IAmGroot7 I second Prodigy’s comment


adamsgrow Awesome thank you for the advice

Day: 12


Growing a little bit. All comments and suggestions are welcome. First time growing.

4 years ago


Squidinsky she’s beautiful! & i’m by no means an expert, but i think she needs more humidity! probably some more water as well.


TwoScoops152 Raise humidity and maybe add Cal Mag with next feed


TwoScoops152 What is your light height set at?

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Day: 10

Cali dream is growing nicely

4 years ago

Day: 2

Cali dream seed has sprouted

4 years ago