
GDP - Feminised

First plants

Elk Grove CA

Granddaddy Purple

Day 117 (Week 17)

14 updates

46 photos

Day: 117


First week of flowering done! ๐Ÿ˜

3 years ago

Day: 112

1st week of flowering

3 years ago

Day: 46


Repotted in 4gal. Both topping and pinching looks like is going well. Tips are welcome. Thank you

3 years ago

Day: 41


Transplanting in few days. Bigger one received topping trimming and smaller one received pinching trimming

3 years ago

Day: 33



3 years ago

Day: 27


Fed the second time in 3rd week. Happy with leaves development but a little bit worried with the stem (seems not get rigid) if someone can HELP would be great. Maybe is normal. Idk is my first grow.

3 years ago


bjbetty You can add the soil on top to Cotyledon leaves(first set round leaves) , or you can tile to something to prevent any damage. Make sure your plant get enough light, by lower your light distance til she wont stretching.Happy grow mate

fullgrow It is 30 inches from the soil. And Iโ€™m using 1000W LED


bjbetty It depends on PAR value of light

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Day: 18


Watered and fed

3 years ago

Day: 13


Moved to 1 gal pot and started with feeding

3 years ago


Julian505$ What is your feeding process? Im new to growing and just planted a clone and am just trying to gain as much insight and perspective as possible.

fullgrow I got the fox farms starter pack. It is pretty complete. People say you can still add few more from outside the pack.

Day: 6

Both are looking amazing ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ was keeping humidity 80/90. Starting putting it down to 50-65% for last few days before veg

3 years ago


steezykayla Hey there! Looks like your lil ladies are doing quite the stretch. Might I suggest lowering your light slightly? Cheers!

fullgrow It is 30 inches from soil. Iโ€™m using LED 600W. How heigh do you recommend?


kylerb23 You need a par meter to measure ppfd 400 is good for seedlings

Day: 4

One of the seeds popped up ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ what are the temperatures you guys use before veg stage? Iโ€™m keeping btwn 70-85 but sure if is the best to do

3 years ago


Cannagrow520 Congrats on the sprouts. I would stick between 70-80 degrees. Donโ€™t really want more than a 10 degree swing, if you can control it. Good luck ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ€

fullgrow Sorry I meant humidity. Typed wrong. Iโ€™m keeping between 80 and 90. Should I keep it ?


Cannagrow520 Oh yea your good then. Donโ€™t stress if you canโ€™t keep it that high. Iโ€™ve had grows 50% start finish and never had issues.

Day: 4


Other one popped up and the first one is looking so pretty ๐Ÿ˜

3 years ago

Day: 2


Moving to 4โ€ sauce. Please, I need help with tips for putting humidity down. Thank yโ€™all

3 years ago


stoned_ginger I like high humidity at the beginning tomorrow middle of veg Iโ€™ll add a air dehumidifier

Day: 1

Moving to paper towel

3 years ago

Day: 0

Getting in the shower

3 years ago