Malabar Pcilosybn Cubensis
Day 84 (Week 12)
24 updates
63 photos
Day: 84

Second flush
4 years ago
Day: 77

Second flush
4 years ago
Day: 69

Getting ready for second flush. These came out killer doe!
4 years ago
Day: 67

More on the way
4 years ago
Day: 66

4 years ago
Day: 64

Looking okay 👌🏼
4 years ago
Day: 46

4 years ago
Day: 41

Light!!! Pins are all over the place!
4 years ago
Day: 35

Almost ready to fruit 🍉
4 years ago
Day: 33

About another week and a half and then I’ll fruit them out! “One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life.”
4 years ago
kzssie What’s that paper under the substrate
trichometheatre Yup-that’s a trash bag. Reason 1: The trash bag prevents side pins; otherwise known as lil mushrooms lol growing under the substrate. They tend to pin on the sides, where light is coming through (eventually). Reason 2: The trash bag allows for easier access to pick up and put down when performing flushes. Even though the mycelium causes a natural “casing” around the substrate, the trash bag allows a place to grasp your sub; with as little disturbance as possible!
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Day: 31

Lots of growth!!! 🍄
4 years ago
kzssie That’s so cool
trichometheatre Oh thanks! But I can’t credit for nature! She is something beyond special, that’s for sure!!! I recommend you purchasing the Encyclopedia of Cannabis on Amazon. It’s a wonderful tool that will give you one, correct, way of growing from seed/clone to harvest to cure. This way there are not so much contradictory information coming at you from all angles. Much love! ☮️💚🧬 PS You look really pretty in your profile picture 😇🤓
kzssie Thank you and will do I want to start growing shrooms too so I’ll look into EVEYTHINT
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Day: 30

Grinded up and mixed with sterile (dry ingredients placed in cooler and added three gallons boiling water) cow manure, cocoa coir, vermiculite, and perlite. I’ve always found this recipe to reach field capacity extremely accurately! Colonization began next day! Waiting on full inoculation then will place under light to fruit!
4 years ago
kzssie I’m confused do you mind to explain to me what this process is and what it be if it’s
kzssie Benefits *
trichometheatre It’s psilocybin Cubensis mushrooms-otherwise known as magic mushrooms and as far as the benefits I would have to write the equivalent of an essay! But, most people micro dose small amounts for depression, ptsd, chronic headaches, and so much moo! It’s about dissolving the ego to reach your unconscious thoughts in a form we can’t physically see, or touch!
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Day: 28

Getter there
4 years ago
Day: 25

Finishing up colonization
4 years ago
Day: 25

Finishing up
4 years ago
Day: 22

Finishing up for bulk
4 years ago
Day: 21

Still going strong 💪🏼 Waiting for the last jar to fully inoculate
4 years ago
NorthernGrow204 What in the world do you got going on there.? 🧐
trichometheatre Mushrooms 🍄
Day: 20

Almost done
4 years ago
docnraq Are you planning on spawning to bulk substrate?
trichometheatre Yez zer!!!
trichometheatre @docnraq The only entity separating birthing single cakes and a mono bulk spawn is time! Seeing as how I don’t believe in time, or, at least, perceive it differently than others, I prefer the latter! ☮️💚🧬
Day: 19

About one more week before we go bulk boys!!!! 🙃
4 years ago
Day: 18

Almost ready to be grinded up ⬆️
4 years ago
Day: 15

Almost there! These will be grinded up, with the class, and we will mix with sterilized substrate (MMade Soil, Perlite, and gypsum) then place layers of sub, then a layer of spawn grain, and so on.
4 years ago
Day: 14

Colonizing nicely
4 years ago
Day: 11

These are the Malabars
4 years ago