Green Crack
Amsterdam Green Crack
Started Green Crack seeds from Amsterdam Seeds in red solo cup w/ bottom aeration - used Chico’s Custom Soil Mix under green house lid w/ KH-FORY T5 10W 4500K 1000Lumens CRI>70 light.
Green Crack hybrid
Day 35 (Week 5)
12 updates
25 photos
Day: 35

Big Big changes have happened recently. I’ve been busy with work and was out of town for a week. The big grow tent arrived on 3/6/19. I installed one of the grow lights that came with the kit the next but before I went out of town and came back to incredible growth after I topped plant. The new light is a Hydro Crunch 600w set in veg. Plant is 3 inches tall but boy has it spread out
6 years ago
Day: 27

Plant was 4.0 inches tall. I topped the 3rd node today plant Is currently 2.5 inches tall at the cut point. Plant goes into full strength nutrients of Big Bloom and Grow Big at the recommended doses provided by fox farms. Soil temp is 70.5 and ambient temp of 77.3 I noticed some yellowing on one of the bottom leaves and will be researching and keeping a eye on that.
6 years ago
Day: 23

The plant is currently 2.75in tall. Half nutrients this week. 18/6 light schedule. Ambient temp is 82 and soil temp is 75.
6 years ago
Day: 21

Plant is 2.50 inches tall and was started on half strength nutrients for this week. Light schedule is 18/6. Ph is 5.99 ad soil temp is 78.6 and ambient is 84 degrees. Started with Big Bloom this week.
6 years ago
Jlwilliams420 How do you like that soil ph tester? Been thinking of buying one but have been on the fence about it. Would love to hear your comments on it.
Day: 20

Added a fan and secondary thermometer with humidity .also added a hydrometer into pot. Monday will start nutrients for plants. Plant is 2.25 inches tall in new pot. Soil temperature is 72.3 degrees and 84 degrees ambient temperature.
6 years ago
Day: 16

Moved plant into 1 gallon container. GC-1 is going into a 18/6 light schedule. Plant was also moved into a 2x2x3 grow tent. Heating pad is under tent for warmth to soil. Soil temp is 80.9 after watering.
6 years ago
RowsOfGreen Slow grower eh? I’m doing 6 strains and they are all towering my California sweet skunk AKA green crack. I changed out the grow medium yesterday and hopefully it helps her. If not, then she’s going in the trash and I’ll cut a clone off the others.
Day: 10

GC-1 is 1.75 inches tall. More leaves have begun to grow as in close up picture. Soil temp is 78.2 and we have heater in here to get soil to 80’s.
6 years ago
Day: 9

Plant is 1.75 inches tall and is on 24 hr light cycle. Soil temp is 79.7 degrees after watering. Water ph 6.09.
6 years ago
Day: 6

Plant is currently 1.25 inches tall and is on 24 hour light schedule. Plant is GC-1.. GC-2 has not sprouted still.
6 years ago
Day: 4

GC-1 sprouted this morning.. hoping GC-2 sprouts soon as well. Water ph is at 6.04. Soil temp taken at GC-1 and is 81.5f.
6 years ago
Day: 3

Added full spectrum 25w led grow light. Also addd heating pad under the wood the seedlings sit on to bring soil temp up from 77 degrees to mid 80’s. Also bought a digital temperature gauge... unfortunately it does not have humidity so i will be getting another one soon.
6 years ago
Day: 0

The plant is currently 0 inches tall. It is on a 24 hour light cycle with soil nutrients
6 years ago