

Spring 2023

Royal Queen Seeds (Photo & AF)

All current round 1 plants have been set to flower.

2x Cereal Milk (DONE), 2x Critical (DONE), 1x F1 Orion (DONE), 1x Cookies Gelato (DONE), 1x Royal Runtz (DONE), 2x Northern Light (DONE), 1x F1 Orion (Deb) (LONELY), 1x Special Kush (DONE)

Day 127 (Week 19)



26 updates

169 photos

Day: 127


This is my last lady from this grow. She’s fading out hard and just waiting for her to finish up. F1 Orion from RQS.

a year ago

Day: 117

This journal is coming to a close. It’s been nice 👍. Harvesting these last three babies later this week after they finish drying out and I get around to it. Running out of drying room. This has been such a bitter sweet end to a grow.

a year ago

Day: 116


Harvested one of the cereal milks. Set her to reveg.

a year ago

Day: 114


Cutting everyone back getting ready to cut down in the next few days. I found that a heavy trimming leading up works really well with managing so many plants for personal use. Processing it and storing it is such a bitch, but worth it!

a year ago


zer0applied THE FADE IS REAL

Day: 114


Just kind of letting these ladies on the left chill and continue to flush until the prep for harvest starts showing/stress. Probably going to cut the rest tomorrow. Right side tent is my CBD grow and the little multi colored pots was from my abandoned run, they’re the auto flowers. I’m kinda letting them do their thing and turn into nug sticks.

a year ago

Day: 111


Harvested my little one quart experiment plant. Northern lights auto. Trimmed her on the plant and will snip tomorrow to hang whole. Thought I would share!

a year ago


Leland3471 Pretty nugs!!!!

U-Bud I’m growing this one, too. About how tall is this one? I have one about 6” taller than it’s sister.


zer0applied So I have grown probably 50 of these northern lights over the years. What size container are you growing in? What soil brand/mix?

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Day: 110


Harvested cookies gelato (Claire). We set her to reveg.

a year ago


doworkson89 Looking good


zer0applied Thanks :) love growing this miracle plant.


amithus Are these seeds from Royal Queen?

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Day: 109


None of them are doing too well. I am at a loss at this point so I am just getting them finished.

a year ago

IG @stick_e_fingerz

IG @stick_e_fingerz What’s wrong 😎

IG @stick_e_fingerz

IG @stick_e_fingerz The yellowing leafs is from cannabalism which is perfectly normal for a plant at that stage the plant is sucking all the stores nutrients from those leaves that are either damaged or not getting enough light I’d probably just give a microbe tea and a little 444 and let it ride brother 🫡😎


HokieHigh2011 Sorry to see it dude, hope for the best with your family as well.

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Day: 102


Had a horrible family emergency. Lost my grow for the most part. Was able to save five of my ladies. Had to harvest a few earlier than I would have liked but all good. Totally redid my entire grow approach going forward.

a year ago


amithus I pray your family is doing better. Sorry to hear about anyone having hard family times. If you don’t mind sharing, what did you do with your grow setup differently?

Day: 91


Running 1200PPFD (added more lights and turned everyone to 100%. Leaf tip temp is now around 82f. Ambient at ceiling is 90f. Night time temp is 70f so the “plant” difference is right in range. Anyways…. Upped my co2. Did my IPM and am feeding properly. It’s funny. They weren’t looking good so I treated for bugs and then flushed and fed heavily and two days later the buds were just blowing up with good smell. Yummy.

a year ago


coreyh Very nice brother fingers crossed it’s a healthy finish 👍


zer0applied It’s been a struggle running so many strains. Never again obviously. I could harvest now but I’m trying to finish this the right way.


zer0applied Thanks for the support :)

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Day: 89


Emergency is over with. Was fungus gnats. Captain jacks dead bug, dried out soil, DE, etc. going to adopt IPM due to this constantly happening. Figured I was safe but nope! Tested runoff and ph. Everything is in range besides the fact the ladies were absolutely starving. Never again will I run so many different strains. An almost disaster but almost harvest and nothing too crazy! Moved my co2 monitor to the ground and the humidity is up due to the heavy watering and feeding. Dehumidifier needs an hour to make it 45%

a year ago

Day: 88


Harvested a northern lights and a few branches off of cookies gelato given how cooked some buds were getting since she was literally maxing out my tent haha! No maintenance needed given the heavy watering yesterday. My a/c in this building gave out in the middle of the day. 400sq feet with 1200 watts of lighting on a 95 degree day. Luckily I have remote monitoring!

a year ago

Day: 86


All of my flowering girls in the left tent, my one sick girl in my isolation tent. Didn’t get a chance to water or anything today. Will ABSOLUTELY be paying for it tomorrow.

a year ago

Day: 86


Finally set up my veg tent and moved everyone into it. Moved around all my flowering ladies and moved my main, almost finished batch into the 4x8 and have a few of my weird experiment ladies in the 3x3. So two 4x8 tents and one 3x3 right now. Ordering a third 4x8 for another round of auto flowers for filler harvests. Watered everyone heavily.

a year ago


zer0applied Thanks. Background is in biology and tech so this was natural. Learning curve but it’s so rewarding. Here to help where I can. Advice isn’t always 100% but we’re all here for each other!


cookredeyed I’m curious what your thoughts are on organic growing. I’ve been using only synthetic nutes but my wife is really wanting me to switch to organic. I bought Gaia Green AP, PowerBloom,& glacial rock dust. I already have worm castings. I was planning on doing my sunshine pro (75%) + worm casting (25%) then with the Gaia Green addition mixed into. Aside from outside pressures to go organic, l am looking forward to switching. It seems very time saving since there is no more mixing nutrient and no more ph-ing water (which I’m unsure about, my dechlorinated water’s ph is around 8.0).

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Day: 85


Busy busy day. Did some light watering to flush the massive dose of nutes I gave everyone. The burn was expected. Long story. Grow is going off without a hitch except some critters seem to be taking nibs off my fan leaves. I think they hitched a ride off my CBD tent :-0

a year ago

Day: 83


Fixed everyone’s issue(s). Having this many different strains is presenting all sorts of problems in terms of nutrient requirements, not being able to gauge how different plants same strain are growing etc. my second and third grows here I didn’t make these mistakes. Looking forward to this process rewarding me with lots of delicious bud. I have poured my heart and soul into these ladies. The lower leaves all look super green because of lower level side lighting.

a year ago


Caliban Yeah running multiple genetics is not good. Been there and struggled.


ig:@eaegifts @zer0applied not sure if you’re bottled/chemical or organic but if using chems you may wanna try JACKS321, I used it last year in my 4x8’ with 5-6 different cuts in coco plus a Dwc plant with great results, its npk is great for most plants and it’s got a great reputation. I’ve never used it in soil myself but have seen others who have with great success.


ig:@eaegifts Oh they’ve also got different versions suitable for tap water etc

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Day: 79


Having issues with possible nutrient burn considering the full dose of nutes on Wednesday. Any input is awesome. Could also be lockout. My plan is to flush HARD tomorrow after they dry back out.

a year ago

Day: 75


Maintenance day. Added two pics of drying the first plant. Moving to a drying area but just doing some trimming etc.

a year ago

Day: 74

F1 Orion harvested. 74 days from bean pop to bean snip snip. My first plant. 🌱 🪴

a year ago


HokieHigh2011 Yo congrats! Looks delicious. You wet or dry trimming?

Day: 74


All original plants going strong into flower. Let them fully dry out the last few days to get rid of the final “bug” infestation. Gave a final treatment of dead bug this morning ☠️ 🐛 🐜 🐞. Special kush, one northern lights and an F1 Orion are all AF and just starting to flower. Everyone is on bloom nutes.

a year ago

Day: 72


Another day of extreme temps. The plants did just fine. Highest recorded temp for the day was 84 at the sensor but the local zones and leaf temps were in the 90’s. No watering or nutes today. Too hot to set up second tent. Need to get a larger air conditioner for the lung room as well as a larger dehumidifier. Will be able to repurpose both for my drying room.

a year ago

Day: 71


Quick update. Moved everyone around. Had to make room to bring up my second currently unused 4x8 tent for a second flower tent. Have everyone out in the open (I hung grow lights from ceiling for today (and last few days). Will need to purchase two more grow lights for my second tent. Air conditioner isn’t able to keep up anymore given how hot it’s been out. Same with humidity. Grow area is above ground and it’s still crazy humid!!! Ugh.

a year ago

Day: 70


Gave heavy water and nutrients to everyone except F1 whose only getting water until she’s harvested. Any advice on when to harvest this top cola based on these last few pics?

a year ago


zer0applied Everyone’s sad because I have been letting them dry out. Finishing up getting rid of my infestation. Critical #2 on the right was the one who was hit hard (outside tent). She’s barely flowering. May reveg her…


zer0applied Pic #7 right hand plant is the one who got screwed with the buggies.


HokieHigh2011 Looks mostly milky from what I can see, if so that’s about when I harvested. It looks amazing, but I did see I was 3 days ahead of the early range on their site. I didn’t have the patience and I’m not upset about it, but am planning to let the next one get a little more amber. Looking forward to seeing how much you end up with. Nice job!

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Day: 68


Watered yesterday and some random cal mag application along with some fish fert and some other stuffs per plant based on needs. Full water needed tomorrow. F1 is about finished.

a year ago


HokieHigh2011 The F1 looks delicious. RQS was giving away 3 titans with any purchase on a flash sale so I grabbed them along with a CBD F1 to try soon. How are your trichomes? Mine were mostly amber on the damaged leaves, esp the sugar ones But 75% milky on the healthy leaves. Any idea when you cutting?


zer0ping I DID THE SALE!!! Picked up 5 purple queen with the free critical and the grower promotion and the F1s for like $40!!!! I am going to cut the top cola tomorrow and the rest next Monday more than likely. I’m at the 75% “ready.” My titans actually got here today lol. My messed up leaves were worse off by far but I got her together def in time.


HokieHigh2011 Haha nice man that was a solid deal. Looking forward to seeing your chop and yield. My wet was at 1046gs total, top cola started at 101gs but is now down to about 30 with a little more drying to go.

Day: 66


Letting them dry out. Full plain water tomorrow and then nutrients on Tuesday.

a year ago


agendercannabis thats beautiful! I wish I had a tent nearly that big. you commented on one of my posts about seeds! I didn’t know how to contact you other than this lol. I don’t know much yet I’m still very new to growing, but I am assuming F1-6 is generations? If so how does that apply to cannabis? thank you again for the comment and your grow looks beautiful!


zer0applied So generics can get really bizarre especially when classifying seeds. Did you have something specific you were either looking for or wanted to try etc?


zer0applied Do you have telegram? Can chat there. Like to remain anonymous for the most part even though growing here is legal I don’t want the attention in my personal life.

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Day: 65


Closed down the emergency journal, all the plants in the left tent I’ll be part of my main grow journal and im going to do my CBD journal and my other few plants in a separate one… I’m weird

a year ago