
White widow will work wonders

Jun 13th seeded

The seeds are from zamnesa in Amsterdam were put under a 1000w spider light... used nothing but rain water and organic feeds ...

White widow auto

Day 66 (Week 10)

1 update

6 photos

Day: 66


I’m about to start cropping the white widows as only found up at the end of the Grove I hope you enjoy the pictures... shows when seedlings to full flower

4 years ago

Jonnyjibbs Any feed back be great as only 3rd grow in life lol


GranDaddyPuff Looks beautiful. Never grown autos, how much yield you expect ? My WW is 23 days from harvest.

Jonnyjibbs They tend to not go to far over 2oz on each plant... but the feeding cost is a lot lower, the space is lot lot less taken up so more in tent and they are fast to flower .... taste is rather lovely... i had some PineappleGum on my last .... and wow ... i may put a grow show of that plant at mo as its a beast .. thanks for the feed back !!