
#1 Gorilla Skittlez

Barneysfarm seeds

First grow /// Biobizz lightmix, biobizz nutrients, SANlight Q3W 120W, 75x45x160 tent, 12l final pots

Gorilla Skittlez

Day 114 (Week 17)


31 updates

127 photos

Day: 114


Left them 24h in the dark. Harvested today. Took me 3h to hang them for drying 😂 didn‘t have the balls to remove the netting, so I cutted every branch from the top and hang them one by one.

16 days ago


combatmedic81 I find disposable trellis netting to be easier since you just cut it out

zemdegs Yea I will do that next time for sure. 👍 saves so much work


ganjasaur3 Niiooccee! Looks great

Day: 107


Into week 9 of flower. Branches keep bending. Done soon. Only water. Think they need only a few more days.

23 days ago

Day: 102


Only water.

a month ago

Day: 100


Week 8 flower. Done soon.

a month ago

wyattwelding101 These girls are beautiful 😍😍

Day: 93


2 days into Week 7 flower, feeding 2,5 l per plant every 3 days. Runoff at ph 7,3 will keep an eye on that for the next feeding. Trichomes mostly clear some milky. Some branches start bending.

a month ago

Day: 84


Start of week 6 flower

a month ago


jchapman18 🔥🔥

Day: 78


Start of week 5 flower. Yellow tips

2 months ago

Day: 73


Into Week 4 flower

2 months ago

Day: 69


Day 20 flower, end of week 3 flower. Plants thursty. 2,5l each. Watering 5l each per week. Noticed some yellowing on the left plant. Removed some yellow leaves.

2 months ago

Day: 64


Week 3 flower, lollipopped

2 months ago

Day: 60


2l each

2 months ago

Day: 56


Start of Week 2 flower. Watering 2x 2l per week per plant.

2 months ago

Day: 50


1st day flower

3 months ago

Day: 47



3 months ago

Day: 44

2l each.

3 months ago

Day: 40

Defoliation + Scrog net, 1st pic before, flipping flower soon

3 months ago

Day: 35


2 l water, biobizz nutrients

3 months ago

Day: 34


2nd topping + Scrog net

3 months ago

Day: 31


2l ph 6,3

3 months ago

Day: 29

1,5l each

3 months ago

Day: 27

1l ph 6,3. düngen mit biobizz

3 months ago

Day: 25


Growing. 1l water ph 6,3

3 months ago

Day: 23

Watering day. Je 1 l ph 6,3. einige Blätter entfernt. LST nachjustiert

3 months ago

Day: 21


4 months ago

Day: 18


LST hätte glaube ich länger warten sollen bei der Pflanze 2

4 months ago

Day: 17

Die anderen beiden Pflanzen in 12l fabric umgetopft. Pflanze 1 ist ausgezogen. 1 l water ph 6,3 each

4 months ago

Day: 16


Die linke Pflanze im 8l fabric. Sie war sehr durstig und trocken. Ich wollte nicht noch ein feeding warten. Wurzeln kamen schon aus dem Topf. Die anderen beiden fühlen sich ca 1-2 Tage behind in der Entwicklung an. Werd sie noch einmal gießen und spätestens übermorgen umtopfen.

4 months ago

Day: 13

Tops off! 500ml ph 6,3

4 months ago

Day: 12

250 ml ph 5,9 rootjuice. der Topf der linken Pflanze fühlte sich abends sehr leicht an. Nochmal 250ml ph 5.9 mit Rootjuice. Sollte bald toppen

4 months ago

Day: 7

Temp: 26C 60%, 6,3 water 200ml

4 months ago

Day: 1

2l pots, 60W LED 18-6

4 months ago