
Obama kush

July 4 th

Bagseed beans, fun strains

Obama kush

Day 199 (Week 29)

54 updates

106 photos

Day: 199

Still curing up! Omg amazing smoke

5 years ago

Day: 161

Been busy. Here’s a single nug shot

5 years ago

Day: 155


Curing up nicely. My best yield and stuff so far. Not bad for my second try at indoor

5 years ago

FengShui Wow that’s your second time indoor, your kicking ass already, u must b a good listener/ learner 🙏👍

Loyalllion Thank you so much man! Just tring to make some good meds

FengShui Keep it up bro 👍✌️

Day: 146

One more day then cure time

5 years ago

DR02 Your grow seems to be very fast and successful, any good tips you recommend?

Loyalllion I do compost teas. And just give them a lot of love. I’m really new to indoor growing but I do all organic soil and top amendments. And I give them compost tea every Sunday and water with that until the 5 gallon bucket is gone. I play around with making my own calmag and try to get all the big nutrients in the compost tea. And slowing defoliant as they go but not all at once. Good fan and lights. And practice and patiences. Good luck to you I will go check out your page and see what you got going on!

Day: 143


Day one of hanging

5 years ago

Loyalllion Also so Obama that has been curing for a couple weeks. Had to pull it early, I’m sure the glass work og is going to blow this out of the water

Day: 142


48 hours of darkness and they are getting the chop day 72 of flower

5 years ago

Day: 142

Harvested her after 48 hours of darkness

5 years ago

Day: 139

One more day and it will be day 70 of flower that’s 10 weeks and they look about ready

5 years ago

Day: 138


Two more days and they are ready I’m thinking

5 years ago

Day: 137


Going to pull them on day 70 in three days

5 years ago

Day: 136

Day 67 of flower going to give it till tomorrow then 48 hours of dark

5 years ago

Day: 134

Almost ripe

5 years ago

Day: 130


Day 60

5 years ago

Day: 128

Day 58 almost there

5 years ago

Day: 125


Day 55 of flower

5 years ago

Day: 123


Day 53

5 years ago


Mystrain420 Nice 👍🏾

Day: 120

Obama was ready now just the glasswork og

5 years ago

Day: 119

Looking good

5 years ago

Day: 113


Things are going good

5 years ago

Day: 112

Everything going good, the obamas didnt like their last feeding but just going to push on thru the glass work og is looking and kicking bunz

5 years ago

Day: 107


Day 37 of flower bought 20 more days or so

5 years ago

Day: 106


Day 36 flower. Hitting hard

5 years ago

Day: 105

Day 35 of flower beginning of week 7

5 years ago

Day: 103


Day 33 from flower

5 years ago

Day: 100

Day 30 of flower

5 years ago

Day: 99

Day 29 of flower everything going good starting to really swell

5 years ago

Day: 93


Took some fan leaves off and gave all the budsites the best light. Looking good for day 23 been compost teas once a week and top amendments,trimmed all lowers off hope to have a nice yield this go around

5 years ago

Day: 92


Day 22 of flower stretch is about done now I hope they swell

5 years ago

Day: 90

Coming along nicely

5 years ago

Day: 86

Day 16 of flower things are doing good

5 years ago

Day: 79


Day 9 of flower and buds already starting

5 years ago

Day: 69

Going into flower tomorrow

5 years ago

Day: 65

Plants are blowing up after the training slowing introducing them to flower by going 18/6 17/7 16/8 etc until 12/12 going to add another 1000 watt led to the room once they hit the 12/12. Everything going very well tho

5 years ago

Day: 64

Haven’t switched yet been so busy with work but they go on Sunday looking great

5 years ago

Day: 58

Almost that time

5 years ago

Day: 46

The one Obama kush plant on the right is forsure a female, the one on the left hasn’t shown sex but I hope she is a she

5 years ago

Day: 45

Recovering nicely from transplant

5 years ago

Day: 44

Transplanted for the last time. And lst pretty hard. Should be a huge bush in about a week

5 years ago

Day: 36

She’s growing like crazy just a little longer till flower

5 years ago

Day: 27

Had a mishap with the light falling on the plants yesterday was upset.. but they made a full recovery

5 years ago


Ducatiboy Haha obama kush... what do the grams cost? 50 a gram haha that brother had gas and milk high as heck. Jokes aside they look good and healthy!

Loyalllion Thanks man. I had it months ago and just loved everything about it!

Day: 25

Got a new home, and super happy about it

5 years ago

Day: 24

Looking good only about 35 more days till flower

5 years ago

Day: 23

Plants are loving the feeding and transplant growing nicely, started doing some low stress training today the responded very nicely

5 years ago

Day: 22

Almost week three of flower they are looking good gave them top feeding today

5 years ago

Day: 20

Transplant, been super busy

5 years ago

Day: 14


Week 2. Only the obamas made it but they are looking awesome

5 years ago

Day: 13

Almost two weeks old

5 years ago

Stoned-Ant-840 whats the thing its sitting on? some type of humidifier? all i can make out is tjat it says salad greens

Day: 10

Grew a lot last night

5 years ago

Day: 9

They have 30 days till flower time growing nice and strong

5 years ago

Day: 8

Chugging right along

5 years ago

Day: 6

Chugging along almost a week old my baby girls

5 years ago

Day: 4

Still no Irene, Obama is doing really good tho.

5 years ago

Day: 3

Two popped out of the dirt and are looking happy. Both the Obama kush up and at it

5 years ago

Day: 0

First day of dirt

5 years ago