Amnesia auto
Spring 2022
Two new girls, same genetics as a previous journal. Conditions will vary. I have started them outside on a terrace but will move them inside for more constant light after.
Amnesia 2.0
Day 76 (Week 11)
12 updates
26 photos
Day: 76
The harvest for the two plants was about 14g total. The drying is over and they are now being consumed (VERY nice smell, taste and effect! Love this strain)
3 years ago
Day: 72
Those were the younger ones. They stretched when I moved them to a place in which they got some shade so… Still, looks like the stretching might pay off.
3 years ago
Sevenleafs I have harvested the other two (didn’t take pictures, so sorry about the lack of updates) and I think I will get about 15g total out of them. I could post pics of the drying soon.. Thanks for the follow! ;)
Sevenleafs Also, I have used the same soil and pots of the previous 2 ladies to sow some new seeds (new journal started).
Day: 72
This is the total harvest of the previous ladies.
3 years ago
Day: 54
Doing well. Getting fatter. Will start to fertilize.
3 years ago
Day: 54
The two younger ones seem to love the sun too! They have been attacked by insects a little, but everything seems under control.
3 years ago
Day: 46
They got attacked by something unknown and I also imparted a bit of a pesticide burn about a week back, but they’ve seemed to have recovered well. Still under sunlight. Getting hot. 😎
3 years ago
Caliban Looks like a caterpillar got into them! They look ok for the wear and tear. 💨👍👍
Caliban My cats also chew leaf tips and looks just like that.
Sevenleafs Thanks Cal, it must’ve been a caterpillar or the insecticide that kinda killed of some parts. I have sprayed them with neem cake water mix and it has helped a lot
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Day: 46
Started two new ones, under the sun. They already are a few days in, and are being plagued by trips (small jumpy nuggets). Will neem spray today
3 years ago
Day: 27
Very nice growth 🙃
3 years ago
Day: 24
Way bigger than yesterday. They are loving the spring sun 😎
3 years ago
stick e fingerz Nice start 😎😎👍
Sevenleafs Thx! It has been a little slow because I germinated and planted them during rainy season (therefore, not much sunlight). But they’re picking up fast.
Day: 23
These ladies have been in the sun ever since germinating. They look really healthy and are enjoying the sun quite a bit!
3 years ago
bigsammy Beautiful
Day: 7
Moving up in the world! We’ve had lots of drizzle during the last two weeks so the girls are drenched, but they will be getting lots of sun after tomorrow. They are in a rooftop terrace for now, exposed to all the wonders of nature. ;)
3 years ago
Day: 1
3 years ago